Beyond Citadel Collectibles

You can find tips to help you find achievements and collectibles in Beyond Citadel in this guide.


While there are no secret levels in the game, completing each zone unlocks a bonus “EX” level, adding up to seven bonus levels by the end of the game. Each of these levels contains a collectible and an associated achievement. These collectibles vary in difficulty, ranging from nearly impossible to miss to being hidden in obscure corners of the map.

These EX levels can be accessed anytime from the Sanctuary, where a hallway with doors to each level is located.

Below, achievements are listed in the order they are encountered in the game, starting with the collectible in Zone 1-EX and ending with the one in Zone 7-EX.

NOTE: If an achievement does not immediately unlock, simply finish the level. It should unlock once you return to the Sanctuary.

Meet Wen

This achievement is unlocked in Zone 1-EX. From your spawn point, walk straight to the back-right corner of the map. There, you’ll find Wen, a woman stuck in a trash can behind some crates. Interact with her until all dialogue is exhausted.

Super Agent Mirai Chan

This achievement is unlocked in Zone 2-EX. The collectible is located on top of a pillar to the left of the room where you spawn. Interact with it until all dialogue is exhausted.

Broken Spirit

Broken Spirit achievement

This achievement is unlocked in Zone 3-EX. The collectible is found on a bridge visible in the distance north of your spawn point. To reach it, climb onto a rooftop near the map’s edge that has a jump pad. The jump pad will launch you toward the bridge. Interact with the collectible until all dialogue is exhausted.

Lost Property of Imperial Armada

This achievement is unlocked in Zone 4-EX. The collectible is located in a room filled with crates, where you need to activate a switch to progress the level. Look for a lone crate in a corner of the room that you can interact with. Interact with it until all dialogue is exhausted.

Say Hello to My Little Friend!

This achievement is unlocked in Zone 5-EX. The collectible is on top of the building in the center of the arena. Interact with it until all dialogue is exhausted.

Fallen Angel

This achievement is unlocked in Zone 6-EX. The collectible is located in the room just before the level’s exit. Interact with it until all dialogue is exhausted.

Descendant of MSX

This achievement is unlocked in Zone 7-EX. The collectible is found in one of the apartments in the middle-right section of the level. This one is challenging to describe, so refer to the map below for precise guidance. Interact with it until all dialogue is exhausted.

Once you’ve interacted with all the collectibles, every achievement in the game will be unlocked. Congratulations!

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