Arzette The Jewel of Faramore: Items and Secret Locations

There are tons of items and secrets for you to find in the game. In this guide, we explained the locations and details of the items and secrets found in Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore.

All Secret and Items Location

As a Metroidvania style game, there are tons of items to find and sometimes it can be a pain to comb over the game trying to find what you’ve missed. This guide is to create a guide that shows where each item is located in each area along with any notes or items required to obtain it.

Terminology Clarification

Bonus Stage – This is what I’m calling the scrolls that take you to the special stages. To get credit for them you must successfully complete them. If you fail them, you have to go back out to the map then re-enter the stage and reach the bonus stage again.

Red Magic, Blue Magic, Purple Magic – When I say this I am referring to either the Sword Wave or the Smart Gun methods for breaking the barriers.

Double Jump – Double jumping requires the Griffon Boots found in Norin Swamp.

As of 2/18/2024

: this guide is incomplete and I’m posting what I have done so far. I’m expecting it to take maybe a week to have the complete guide up.

Faramore Town


Bring the Star Earrings obtained from the Astronomer in Creece Canyon to the lady in the bar. The canteen can recover your life.

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Munhum’s Rock Quest (aka More Rope)

Eventually, Munhum (the guy outside the cave entrance who gives you the rope) will move to Faramore Town. For me it happened after defeating Apatu in the Chillinax Peaks. He will ask you to collect four falling rocks of different colors from across the land by catching them with your sword. NOTE: You cannot catch the rocks until you talk to him and start the quest.

Blue Rocks – Badonc Beach

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Orange Rocks – Cogwyn Caves

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Gray Rocks – Chillinax Peaks

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Brown Rocks – Creece Canyon

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Bring these rocks to him to receive an increase to your rope capacity, 50 to 99

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Candle 1

Requires double jump, red magic, and blue magic. Take the door to the higher level of the town and head right towards the red barrier. Break the barrier and enter the library. Once inside, head left and double jump over the bookshelves. Go through the door underneath Count Denny. Once outside, head right to the broken down new home of Cypress (the Wolf Man from the forest). Inside his house you’ll need to break the red, blue, and red magic barriers to get the candle.

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Cypress’s Plants

After moving to Faramore Town, Cypress will ask you to find three plants to spruce up his house.
NOTE: The plants will not appear until after you’ve talked to Cypress to start the quest

  • Plant 1 – Norin Swamp Griffon Boots House

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Plant 2 – Badonc Beach house with Bonus Stage, Calendar Guy

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Plant 3 – coming soon

Infinite Smart Gun Ammo

Complete all three of the rat man’s races. The rat man can be found by bombing the cracked wall at the far right of Faramore Town. Each race unlocks by collecting coins and unfortunately, during the making of this guide I did not catch which coin threshold unlocks each race.

  • Race 1 – Durridin Forest (image coming soon)
  • Race 2 – coming soon
  • Race 3 – coming soon

Candle 2

Requires blue magic. Break the blue barrier on the upper floor to the left. Head into the first house. Jump up and duck walk across the chandelier.

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Bonus Stage

Requires blue magic. Break the blue barrier on the upper floor and head left into the second house with the pretzel sign.
NOTE: This bonus stage is a “Collect Rubies” Stage. I highly suggest making your wallet as empty as possible when going in.

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Wallet Upgrade

After giving the frog man the golden fly, he’ll move to Faramore Town. Bring him a Silver Cricket to upgrade your maximum wallet from 500 to 999.

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Durridin Forest

Candle 1

Requires red magic.

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Candle 2

Requires Double Jump

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Bonus Stage

No requirements

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No requirements. Enter the hidden path in the log then climb down the ladder. Jump off the ladder to the right and crouch walk through the second hidden wall to collect the coin.

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Golden Fly

Bomb the crack in the ground, then jump down and break the red magic barriers

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No requirements

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Magic Lamp

Talk to Cypress (the Wolf Man), then speak to the Mayor of Faramore who will give you a paper. Bring it back to Cypress for the Magic Lamp.

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Requires candle to dispel the barrier, then defeat Klive. Boss strategies aren’t in the scope of this guide

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Sword Wave

Requires blue magic. Break the blue barrier then enter the dark room. Head all the way to the right and grab the Sword Wave. This upgrade allows you to charge your sword and fire a projectile. The projectile has the same properties as the Smart Gun and can break barriers based on the type of magic you are using. In addition, this does not require ammo.

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Cogwyn Cave


Talk to the first guy you see and he’ll give you the rope

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Orange Rocks

Orange rocks can be found all over the area for Munhum’s falling rock quest. Catch one with your sword.

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No requirements. Hidden behind a wall where a lantern can barely be seen. A regular jump can make it across the gap

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Candle 1

No requirements

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Bonus Stage

No requirements

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Shield Ring

No requirements needed. Although the Magic Lamp is highly recommended to see in the dark. Also, try not to run out of lamp oil like I did for the screenshot. It’s right near the teleportation map at the bottom of the cave. If there’s any ambiguity I can get a better image later but it’s fairly obvious.

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Candle 2

Requires red magic. Break the barrier then jump down. Head through the hidden passage on the left and jump over the hazards to grab the candle.

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Silver Cricket

Requires blue magic. Break the blue barrier then duck walk through the passage to grab the silver cricket.

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Anju Desert


No requirements. Behind a hidden wall at the start of the map in the second pit. Special thanks to M. Cobalt for telling me where this is

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Bonus Stage

No requirements

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Fairy Dust

No requirements. Climb both trees and hit the switches with your sword. Then jump to the middle tree and speak to the fairy

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Candle 1

At the first screen transition hole, hold right as you fall and you will land on the hidden path. The candle can be reached in this area without any additional requirements.

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Candle 2

Requires red magic and blue magic. Open the red magic barrier at the bottom of the pit, then open the blue magic barrier to reach the candle.

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Requires red magic and candles. Break the red barrier to reveal the hidden room, then use candles to dispel the barrier.

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Creece Canyon

Bonus Stage

Requires red magic

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Candle 1

Requires double jump. You have to jump over the entrance to the cave and go through the path.

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No requirements. Throw a bomb at the rock in front of the zip line to access it, then take the zip line. Use the duck walk to crawl through a hidden passage and continue to the end to find the coin. Also credit to M. Cobalt for showing me this.

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Smart Gun

Bomb the rock in front of the zip line then take it down. After you arrive, head left and grab the key at the base of the cliff (which I forgot to get a screenshot of). Head back right and enter the house then give the Fairy Dust to the inventor for the Smart Gun. This unlocks red magic for breaking red barriers.

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Star Earrings

Requires red magic. Speak to the guy above the inventor at the house where the zip line goes.

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Candle 2

Requires red and blue magic.

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Requires candles. Dispel the barrier then defeat Cornrad

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After defeating Cornrad, climb the ladder and speak to the crow. After he teaches you how to move like a crow, he flies away so I was not able to catch him in the screenshot 🙁

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Brown Rocks

Brown Rocks for Munhum’s quest can be grabbed here with the Smart Sword.

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Norin Swamp

Candle 1

Requires double jump. Head all the way to the right then climb up the house. Use the double jump to jump all the way back left across the top platforms to get the candle.

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No requirements. Enter the first house and crouch into the hidden area.

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Candle 2

Requires double jumpo. After exiting the first house, jump on top of the door, then double jump up to reach the candle.

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Griffon Boots

At last! The double jump! There are two methods to get these boots. The first route requires only red magic. Jump down from the right side of this platform to a hidden area underneath. Enter the house and break the red barrier to get the boots.

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The second method requires blue magic. Break the blue barrier and grab the key from the secret area, then unlock the upper door of the house to enter and grab the boots.

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House Plant

One of Cypress’s House Plants will be located in the Griffon Boots house after you talk to him to start the quest.

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Bonus Stage

Requires double jump. Fortunately this is also found in the same house as the Griffon Boots which give you the double jump. Please refer to the Griffon Boots section for the two methods of getting in.

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Bomb the tree at the far right end of the stage to find the beacon on the other side.

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Chillinax Peaks

There are red barriers at the start of the area, so you’ll need red magic to navigate beyond the initial area.

Gray Rock

Gray falling rocks can be found for Munhum’s rock collection quest

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Requires blue magic. In the first cave you’ll see light from a lantern that is just barely visible on the ceiling. Jump up into the light then use blue magic to break the barrier.

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Bonus Stage

After leaving the upper exit of the first cave, head right down the slope.

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Candle 1

Requires double jump. After exiting the second cave, head right and grab the key from the bottom of the slope. Then head back up the slope and use it to open the locked door. Inside, use the double jump to grab the candle.

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Power Pendant

Give the Shard of Refraction (found at the bottom of Sprigum Volcano) to the lady in the room behind the locked door.

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Use candles to dispel the barrier then defeat Apatu. I check my inventory to see how many candles this barrier took but forgot to write it down. I think it required 3? Possibly in the future or if people leave comments I can update the barrier candle requirements.

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Boanjale Crypts

If you attempt the enter the crypts without the Power Pendant from Chillinax Peaks, you take constant damage and die within seconds. Make sure to visit the volcano to get the item needed for the Power Pendant.

coming soon

Sprigum Volcano

The rising lava room can be done without any extra items like I did in my first run. However, having the double jump makes it much easier.

Bonus Stage

At the top of the volcano, requires xxx

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Candle 1

No requirements necessary. The double jump boots and hovering are helpful to avoid lava pits but aren’t necessary

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Requires double jump. In the rising lava room, about halfway up on the right side.

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Candle 2

No requirements, grab it on your way down the volcano

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Crystal of Refraction
No requirements. At the bottom of the volcano. Give it to the lady in Chillinax Peaks behind the locked door for the Pendant of Power to explore the crypts

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Badonc Beach


Requires double jump and blue magic. Double jump across the rocks under the first house until you reach the end. Break the barely visible blue barrier under the house (that I forgot to grab a screenshot of) then jump up into the hidden area

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Candle 1

Requires double jump. Just to the right of the speedy guy you’ll find a house. Jump up to the roof to get the candle.

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Bonus Stage

In the house just to the right of the speedy guy

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House Plant 2

Also found in the house just beyond the speedy guy

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Blue Rock

Found falling in the cave to the right of the speedy gentleman. This is the last available one assuming you’ve been collecting them as the stages have been unlocked.

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Ryha River

Candle 1

Requires double jump. Go down into the first boat with the staircase then jump across to get the candle

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Bonus Stage

Get the key from over the boat with the first candle then head back left to the first house and open the locked door

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Requires purple magic. Enter the submarine by bombing the boxes in front of it. Break the purple barrier inside

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Blue Magic

A very important tool for navigating more of the game. Requires red magic to get. At the end of the submarine break the red barrier

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Requires double jump. At the end of the stage near the witch’s hut, double jump up to the roof

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Just beyond the witch’s hut, requires two candles to dispel the barrier

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Denny’s Castle

coming soon

Coin – No requirements. Near the boss room you’ll see a hint of a lantern coming from the base of a column. Climb Down to find the coin.

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Daimur’s Lair

coming soon

Coin – On the bottom of the last room before Daimur, you’ll see a crocodile (or is it an alligator?) swimming under some platforms. Ride on him and jump into the hidden wall on the right.

Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore Collectables and Items Guide (Work in Progress)

Written by Ulki

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