ARMORED CORE 6: Stutter Issue FIX

Hello from our ARMORED CORE 6 FIRES OF RUBICON Stutter Issue FIX guide. The idea of this guide is to avoid having to manually launch Task Manager and change the process affinity every time we want to play the game.

This is the guide Smith Replica it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

ARMORED CORE 6 Stutter Issue FIX

Welcome to our ARMORED CORE 6 FIRES OF RUBICON Stutter Issue FIX guide. Many players are being impacted with an issue that causes the game to stutter heavily. This can be resolved by changing the process affinity for armoredcore6.exe, disabling CPU 0 and keeping all other cores enabled. In order to do this, we need to run the game without Easy Anti Cheat, and therefore the game will launch in offline mode.

Create steam_appid.txt file

This step is required in order to be able to launch the game via running the .exe instead of Steam’s “play” button, and therefore to skip launching Easy Anti Cheat.

Create a txt file named steam_appid.txt in the game folder

Edit the text file, add the following number

Save the file

Create PowerShell Script

In this section we are going to create a PowerShell script that will launch the game, wait 15 seconds and then change the process affinity so that it won’t use Core 0.

Open Notepad, and paste the following lines:

cd “C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICONGame”
Start-Sleep 15
$Process = Get-Process armoredcore6; $Process.ProcessorAffinity=254
replace “C:” with the drive letter where Armored Core is installed, and adjust the Steam path if not using the default

The number on the last line depends on the number of cores on your CPU.
254 is the number to set affinity on all cores except Core 0 on an 8-Core CPU

To obtain the number, the values for each “enabled” core are added
On a 4-core CPU, for example, the value would be 8+4+2=14

Core 2 = 2
Core 3 = 4
Core 4 = 8
Core 5 = 16
Core 6 = 32
Core 7 = 64
Core 8 = 128

Save the file as “ac6launch.ps1” on any folder of your choice.
(name can be anything, just be sure the file extension is .PS1)

Run the PowerShell Script

So , at this point we are technically done.

If we run our PowerShell script, the game should launch and change its affinity (disabling CPU 0) after 15 seconds.

Right click on the .PS1 file created above, and select “Run with Powershell”

To validate its working properly, let the game launch, wait 15 seconds, then open Task Manager
Go to the Defails tab, look for armoredcore6.exe, then right click on it and select “Set Affinity”
Validate all Cores are selected except for “CPU 0”

Create a Shortcut for Launching the Game (Optional)

So, now that everything is working fine, its a good idea to create a shortcut to make running the game easier.

  • Open the folder where the PowerShell script is located
  • Right click on it, and select “create shortcut”
  • Look for the shortcut, right click on it and select “properties”
  • on the “target” box, delete the whole text and replace it with the following

powershell.exe .armoredcore6.ps1

Check the “Start In” text box is properly set to the folder where the PS1 script is located.

Click Apply, the “target” text should update with the full path to PowerShell, click OK to close the shortcut properties

That’s it! Running the shortcut should launch the script and therefore start the game.

Written by Smith Replica

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