And the Hero Was Never Seen Again: Legendary Monster Locations & Drops

Knowing the monsters, where they live, and what they drop will give you an advantage in And the Hero Was Never Seen Again. In this guide, we explained the details about the monsters and their rewards.

Legendary Monster Location

And the Hero Was Never Seen Again Legendary Monsters locations and the items you can drop from them.

Bone Serpent, Euthanizer of All

Dark Knight, Traitor to Their Lord

Cerberus, Hound of the Abyss

Pomane Fly, the Ever Brilliant

Kikimora, Devilish Gazer

Gargoyle, Lord of Thunder

Caladrius, Samsara Personified

Kinkaku, Lordly Demonic Brother/Ginkaku, Lordly Demonic Brother

They appear in the first group battle of the arena (Chapter 10).

Girtablublu, Insatiable Fiend

A ladder is needed (see the section about the Great Thief’s Key).

Taweret, Sanctuary’s Guardian

Behemont, the Almighty

Kraken, Incarnation of Chaos

You will find it in the location “Ghost Ship”, which is unlocked with the “Ghost Ship Diary”. You can obtain it by defeating all other Legendary Monsters and obtaining all items from the Monster’s Man.

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