All Monsters and How to Avoid Them in Content Warning

In the game, while recording horrifying things, you will encounter monsters, curses, and artifacts. You must complete your mission before your battery runs out and without being killed by monsters. You can learn about all the monsters in the game and how to get rid of them from the list in this guide.

Content Warning Monsters

In Content Warning, I gave brief information about all the monsters available and how to deal with them. If you know different ways, please comment to support the guide and I may make additions.

Big Slap (Two-Meter Creature)

Big Slap (Two-Meter Creature)

A humanoid monster with sharp teeth, its entire body is disproportionate. It deals 100% damage, meaning it kills instantly.

  • How to avoid: Run away from it.



Just throws bombs, looks like Cthulhu.

  • How to avoid: Run away from it.



A large shell with 4 tentacles. It has both ranged and melee attacks.

  • How to avoid: Simply run away from it and keep your distance.

Dog (Robot Dog)

Dog (Robot Dog)

It shoots from its machine guns, it can also hear you.

  • How to avoid: Don’t say anything near it and stay behind a wall.



A giant ear instead of a head, it finds you by sound.

  • How to avoid: If it’s nearby, shout into the microphone as loud as possible.



A large eye on the face and sharp protrusions instead of hands.

  • How to avoid: Simply don’t shine a flashlight at its eyes.



Looks like a regular blanket with a knife in hand.

  • How to avoid: Dodge several attacks and it will run away.

Larva (Worm or Centipede)

Larva (Worm or Centipede)

Quite fast, body color changes (to darker), deals high damage, and kills in 2 hits.

  • How to avoid: Simply don’t encounter it, avoid it.



Transparent slug, quite fast, doesn’t deal damage but drags you to monsters.

  • How to avoid: Maintain stamina and run through turns and stairs.

Drooler (Sea Star)

Drooler (Sea Star)

Hangs on the ceiling and that’s it. If you pass underneath it, it catches you, lifting you to the ceiling.

  • How to avoid: Look at the ceiling more often, and if it catches you, throw something at it.



Scares with its scream and that’s it.

  • How to avoid: Be in a team, it only attacks solo players.



Attacks with webbing from a distance. It’s hard to escape from the web.

  • How to avoid: Either run away or don’t encounter it at all.

Zombies (Snail)

Zombies (Snail)

They are very slow and not dangerous.

  • How to avoid: Just walk past them.



Humanoid, crawling on its four limbs. It’s hard to notice. It lifts you and drags you along, dealing a little damage.

  • How to avoid: Just shine a flashlight on it.

Iron Maiden (BDSM Machine)

Iron Maiden (BDSM Machine)

Looks like a regular torture machine.

  • How to avoid: If you’re alone, try not to encounter it, but if there are 2 or more of you, solve the captcha on its monitor.

Flicker (Red Light)

Flicker (Red Light)

All players who see it won’t be able to turn their cameras away. If the image glitches or blurs, Flicker is close, if the screen flashes red, it means Flicker is very close.

  • How to avoid: There’s no way, just don’t encounter it.



It can only move in straight lines.

  • How to avoid: Don’t run away from it in a straight line and that’s it.

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