Aliens Dark Descent Crash Reduction & Performance Increase

Hello everyone from our Aliens Dark Descent Crash Reduction and Performance Increase guide! Embark on an immersive journey in Aliens: Dark Descent, a team-based, single-player action game from the iconic Alien franchise. Check out our guide for settings that will improve your performance on this journey.

We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Aliens Dark Descent game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Aliens Dark Descent guide.

Aliens Dark Descent Crash Reduction & Performance Increase

Welcome to our Aliens Dark Descent Crash Reduction & Performance Increase guide. A few launch properties that helped us crash less often.

We wanted to share a few things that seem to make my game more stable. Since this is a UE4 game, there are a number of launch options available in the properties tab. The biggest ones for us were:

Use All Available Tails with Window

Especially the first one. Right click on the game and go to properties (or the gear icon on the game’s homepage), then paste the above arguments into the launch options bar. Make sure to add a space between the two commands.

Alternatively, you can set the game to windowed mode in-game; for both you will have to press alt + enter when you start the game to bring the game to full screen.

I still get the occasional crash after doing this, but it’s much more stable (and running smoother) since I’ve done both.

GPU Overclocking – Possible Issues

I also noticed that you don’t like this game when you overclock your graphics card. I played dozens of games with a light and stable GPU OC and this game crashed like crazy; I’d say it’s the GPU as it crashes differently than it’s the game engine’s fault. (i.e. my AMD software bit the bullet and reported its own bugs against UE4 bugs)

We have come to the end of our Aliens Dark Descent Crash Reduction & Performance Increase guide. We hope this helps some of you troubleshoot crashes and dive a little further into the game.

Written by Big McLargeHuge

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