Achievement Guide – The Thaumaturge

The Thaumaturge is an adventure filled with mysterious powers, beings, and choices you must make. There are achievements you need to achieve as you progress in this adventure, you can learn these achievements and how to get them from our guide.

This guide was created by Casual Sky.

The Thaumaturge Guide

A helpful achievement guide that will mature you in your Flaw of Achievement Hunting!

Story Related (Unmissable)

(These achievements will unlock as you play the game normally.)

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Back to Life

  • Make a full recovery with the help of a miracle worker.

~Unlocks shortly after meeting Rasputin.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Beast of Transcaucasia

  • Catch the salutor who haunts the people of the village.

~Unlocks after your fight with Bukavac.

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Chapter I. What Am I Doing Here?

  • Finish your business in the village and go to Warsaw.

~Unlocks at the end of the Prologue.

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  • Catch Lelek prowling the streets of southern Srodmiesce.

~Unlocks after your fight with Lelek.

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A Snake in Hand…

  • Catch Veles, the salutor lured into the Imperial Hotel.

~Unlocks after your fight with Veles.

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Chapter II. Stakes and Costs

  • Learn about a particular court secret.

~Unlocks at the end of Act 1.

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Chapter III. This Is Getting Serious

  • Leave the clinic and greet the martial law in Warsaw.

~Unlocks at the end of Act 2.

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My Work Here Is Done

  • Get to the end of the adventure.

~Unlocks at the end of Act 3.

Salutor Quests (Missable)

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Slippery Situation

  • Catch Morana, the salutor of Powisle.

Upon reaching Powisle, find your way to the docks where “The Art Of Dying” side quest begins. Here you are tasked with catching a killer. (Must be completed before Act 2.)

Afterward, a new quest “Horses In The Sky” will follow that requires Word Dimension 5 to continue. Once you solve the murders, you’ll have to wait for a phone call. This will happen when you get to the main quest ‘All Our Curses’. The achievement will unlock after your fight with Morana.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Friend In High Places

  • Try to get out of trouble by mentioning Abaurycy’s name.

During “The Art Of Dying” you will be tasked with following Officer Pelevin’s thought across town, where a group of fishermen will jump you.

BEFORE you trigger this event, begin the main quest “To Dust You Shall Return” and save Svetlana in her apartment. This will lead you to find a smuggler through Abaurycy, and he will ask if you’ve been to Powisle before. Answer that you haven’t, and he’ll quip that it’s a dangerous neighborhood which will open up an option to “Mention Abaurycy” when speaking to the group of fishermen.

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  • Bring about a bloodless solution to the conflict.

During “Horses In The Sky” you will be tasked with finding a serial killer. You need Word Dimension 5 to get this quest going.

After convincing Pelevin to reopen the case, you will have a few threads to follow. Find the widow and get the ring from the pawnshop, investigate the Moonshine bar, and speak to the ladies of the night until you discover the Fisherman’s Hideout.

Find Pelevin and let him know the location before entering, then use Heart Dimension 4 during your conversation with the killer. If all goes well, everyone should survive including the killer and your achievement will pop.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Last Wish

  • Catch Djinn who lures travelers in Mirow.

After the events with Svetlana in Powisle, we end up in Mirow. Just outside the Family Shop is a market, where Djinn will appear to trigger the side quest “Fearless.”

At the end of this quest you’ll be presented a choice. Allow Djinn to stay with their master, or keep Djinn for yourself. Keeping Djinn will unlock Last Wish.(I recommend quicksaving to get Gift on Request as well.)

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Gift on Request

  • Give Djinn to Leila

Complete the side quest ‘Fearless’ as written above, but instead choose to let Leila keep Djinn.
For good luck, of course.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Wiktor of Arabia

  • Win a fight with Ali by the watering hole.

This achievement is intended for your Pride playthrough.
During the side quest “Fearless” while you are initially chasing Leila out of the market, you can use your Perception to find several items on the way to her house including a watering spout. Once you touch it, you’ll be transported to a well in the desert where Ali will speak with you.

Without high Pride, there will be no option to fight Ali. This achievement unlocks after beating him.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Someone’s Getting the Birch Rod…

  • Don’t let Krampus get away. Catch him!

Travel to Port Praga when it becomes available and use your Perception to find two things. One is in the area left of the Stagecoach, while the other is toward the back end of the East Market.

With these two pieces found, you’ll receive the side quest “A Rod For The Hero” which tasks you with investigating fireworks in a Warehouse. Follow the quest until you fight Krampus and the achievement will unlock.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Taming of Clay

  • Don’t let the Golem slip out of your hands.

This achievement is intended for your Pride playthrough, as it affects certain endings and characters.

This is part of the Main quest “Clay Ambitions” where you’re tasked with freeing yourself of the Golem’s curse.

Meet with Ariel Rofe and promise him that you’ll let him have Golem while also using Ligia’s Flaw to lure it. You’ll be presented with a choice of keeping your promise, or keeping Golem. Choose to keep Golem and the achievement will pop.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Not My Clay, Not My Problem

  • Keep the promise you made to Ariel Rofe and give the Golem back to him.

During the Main quest “Clay Ambitions”, as stated above. When the time comes, choose to keep your promise to Ariel and he will keep Golem instead. This is necessary for one of the Good Endings and recommended for your “Good” playthrough.

Side Quests (Missable)

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Father’s Return

  • Let your father’s ashes return home.

Early on in Act 1, someone will be waiting outside your house with a note from the Graveyard keeper starting the quest “They’re Alive”. Fight off the people desecrating your father’s grave, additionally you should investigate the Graveyard at night to find out more and follow the extra threads. You’ll find that an anti-thaumaturgist group is behind it all, the same group that tried to keep you out of the funeral.

Once you’ve narrowed down the W.A.S. headquarters and gathered extra information, quicksave, and then enter. Speak to the leader and choose peaceful options, demand an apology with pride, and then suggest a solution: You’ll move your father’s ashes home. Grab the urn from the mausoleum and head back to his study at home.

(It doesn’t stop there, go back to your quicksave and enter again. Because this time we’re getting revenge and punching that guy in the face. Then you can continue with a clear conscience.)

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Fight Club

  • Win all the fights in the ring in Powisle.

Part of the Main quest “To Dust You Shall Return” in Act 1, but completely optional.

When you accompany Ariel to the fighting ring in search of Javier, agree to fight in the ring. This will consist of three fights, it’s a lot easier than it sounds because your health restores between each round. Win all the three fights and the achievement is yours.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Liar, Liar

  • Find out the truth about Petya, but still cover up for him in front of Uncle Sasha.

This achievement is intended for your Pride playthrough, as it requires a certain level of Pride to lie to Uncle Sasha.

After the events of “The Reptilian Bash” main quest in Act 1, you will get a phone call from your Uncle asking to meet starting ‘The Price Of Friendship’ side quest. He tasks you with investigating your cousin, who’s under suspicion of murder. Follow the quest until you find the contract in the Lock, Stock, and Barrel.

Finally, speak to your uncle and choose to lie about what happened for the achievement.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Sweet Tooth

  • Bring donuts to the lecture at the antiquarian bookshop.

Near the end of Act 1, after unlocking the Mirow district, head to your family’s store and Ligia should have a question mark above her head. Do this before dealing with the Golem.

Ligia will ask you to attend her lecture for the Flying University which will start the quest ‘Cognitive Function’, and to bring donuts. Head to Northern Srodmiescie and grab donuts from the patisserie. Wait until the afternoon, and attend the lecture. Remember to actually place the donuts on the table, and the achievement will pop!

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide


  • Bucephalus deserves a truly luxurious saddle. Order up!

As soon as Act 2 begins, the side quest ‘Quitting Time’ will appear in Southern Srodmiescie in front of Abaurycy’s bar. He will task you with solving a worker strike.

Go to meet the foreman and collect information, one of the worker’s thoughts will lead you to his office. (Or you can just go there straight away, it’s south west of the protest.) Break into the office, and the phone will ring. Answer it and tell them that you want your horse to have the best saddle. The achievement will unlock!

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Yellow Mairgolds and Her

  • Tell Regina Wisniewska what her husband’s last thoughts were.

Also at the beginning of Act 2, you can find a newspaper clipping in Northern Srodmiescie just above the Tailor’s shop which will begin the quest “First Page”. Meet with the reporter, Fejgin, in front of your home and agree to help him out.

There are a lot of threads to follow, but what’s important is that you investigate Vienna Station in Southern Srodmiescie and you’ll find a receipt near the site of the bombing. This will open a new thread to visit the widow in Northern Srodmiescie. Find her home near the Patisserie and speak to her about her husband, choose to relay his last thoughts to her for the achievement.

(What?! I’m not crying, you’re crying! Okay we both are.)

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Politically Involved

  • Bring the cases of Petya, the workers, and the Lechites to an end.

Complete the side quests ‘The Price of Friendship’, ‘Quitting Time’, and ‘First Page’.

If you completed the side quests in this section, then you should unlock this achievement after you complete ‘First Page’ in Act 2. See above for details on when to start each quest.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Now I Understand

  • Experience all the visions that Upyr wants to show you.

This quest stretches from Act 1 into Act 2, but begins in the southern most alleyway in Powisle.

You will see Upyr waiting for you in the alley, which will start a vision of the past and give you the side quest ‘Memory Horizon’. Follow this quest to other districts and he’ll show you memories in each of them. Once you progress the story, he’ll start to show up again, eventually leading you back to the Powisle alleyway where you will unlock the achievement.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Demanding Professor

  • Discuss all the props with the students.

Requires you to have completed ‘Cognitive Function’ previously.

During Act 2, before completing ‘Clay Ambitions’ as your main quest, visit your home where Grazyna and Cecilia will be waiting. Cecilia passes along a message that the professor wants to meet you at his home, which begins “Private Lesson”. Follow this until he tasks you with speaking to Ligia.

Now complete “Clay Ambitions” and once you wake up at home, speak to Ligia downstairs to begin “A Story Of One Lecture.” Collect the three props upstairs, and when the lecture begins make sure to speak about all three. The achievement will unlock!

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

It’s a Deal!

  • Help Abaurycy with his vendetta like in the good old days.

Requires you to complete “Quitting Time” beforehand.

Once you reach “The Devil’s Gamble” Main quest, head to the London Bar in Southern Srodmiescie and speak to Abaurycy to start his final side quest “Here We Go Again”. Solve it however you want and upon completion the achievement is yours!

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Eternal Student

  • Get involved with the Flying University and see how it ends.

Requires all previous Flying University quests to be completed. This is the very last sidequest before the Point of No Return. It may take a bit to show up, or you may have to wait and then check again.

Once you reach “The Devil’s Gamble” Main quest, check outside your house to find Czeslaw, a Flying University student. Follow this quest, and proceed to warn everyone about the arrests. Most importantly, choose dialogue that encourages the Flying University to keep trying.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Contribution to Science

  • Bring about the legalization of the Flying University.

This will unlock when you end the game, but only if you completed ‘Cognitive Function’, ‘A Private Lesson’, ‘A Story of One Lecture’, and the final Flying University quest by encouraging them to continue.

Run Away Ending

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

What If I Just Quit?

  • Quit it all and leave Warsaw forever.

This ending requires low Pride, so you can ask Ligia to leave with you.

During the trial with your “Father” he will mention toward the end that there may be another way besides Rasputin and the Coterie. Ask what he means, and he’ll say something cryptic about leaving.

Shortly afterward, talk to Upyr about it, then Ligia and ask her about leaving. If you were a good brother, she’ll agree and the game will end then and there awarding the achievement.

Coterie Endings

(As suggested in the Introduction, make a Save File at the missions ‘The Devil’s Gambit’ to be safe and ‘The Crossroads’ for something closer to the end. This will help you achieve 5/6 endings in a “Good Playthrough”.)

In order for this to go well, we need to have given the Golem to Ariel Rofe as he is the fourth member of the Coterie and his fate is otherwise sealed without it.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

The More, The Merrier

  • Strength in numbers. Join the Coterie.

There’s a lot of talk about joining or not joining, but your actual decision comes into play during the Main quest ‘At The Crossroads’. If you convinced Ariel to join and gave him the Golem, then everyone will meet at the Faldjey’s house and proceed with the binding ritual. This isn’t an ending itself, but it locks you into a Coterie ending.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

The New Coterie

  • Win the Tsar’s favor together with the coterie.

As you make your way through the very last mission at the party, make sure to do a few different things.

  • Stop Wanda from her assassination attempt, the conversation will trigger naturally.
  • Speak with Madame Samira near the center and help her pull a prank on the governess.
  • Gave Ariel the Golem.
  • Use special dialogue options and evidence to force the Tsar to respect your demands. (Dominating the Tsar is not necessary for him to agree.)

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

The Price of Victory

  • Get the victory paid with blood together with the coterie.

For this, all you need to do is ignore Wanda’s assasination attempt, and don’t warn the Fladjey about her. Proceed with negotiations, and afterward Wanda will shoot the Tsar unlocking this achievement.

Rasputin Endings

(As suggested in the Introduction, make a Save File at the missions ‘The Devil’s Gambit’ to be safe and ‘The Crossroads’ for something closer to the end. This will help you achieve 5/6 endings in a “Good Playthrough”.)

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Arm in Arm with the Devil

  • Trust in Rasputin’s plan and join him.

Not actually an ending, but this locks you into Rasputin’s endings.

There’s a lot of talk about believing or not believing, but the actual decision comes into play during the Main quest ‘At The Crossroads’. Meet with Rasputin and tell him you’re with him.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Howdy, Partner

  • Get into the Tsar’s court as Rasputin’s friend.
  • Make your way through the final mission, taking care of Larezov, Mary, and the Preaching woman.
  • Stop Wanda from her assassination attempt, conversation happens naturally.
  • Begin the final custscene and don’t oppose Rasputin, talk him up and you will help rule together.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Stay Put!

  • Use Rasputin to get into the Tsar’s Court.

This requires you to have low pride, and therefore intended for your ‘Good Guy’ playthrough.

Follow the steps above, but instead choose to denounce Rasputin in front of everyone. Win the ensuing fight and you will awkwardly take charge of the situation but everyone will still trust both of you? (It’s a weird ending.) You and Rasputin will still help rule and have an abusive relationship instead. Poor Rasputin.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Let My Will Be Done

  • Become the Bloody Thaumaturge of Tsar Nikolai II.

This ending requires high Pride, and therefore the only ending that requires Pride. Intended for your second playthrough.

Follow the steps of Stay Put! but your Pride will take over and demand Rasputin be put in prison. This way, you rule alone, and become the Bloody Thaumaturge.


Preface by saying that for an ENTIRE playthrough I did not know that whomever you choose to attack with first goes first. For example, if I want bukavac to set up suffering before my focus attack, he just has to be selected first! So keep that in mind when planning the chain of events.

  • Easy

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide


  • Break the focus of 25 enemies.

Should unlock naturally as you play the game, breaking focus is one of the strongest ways to control a fight and lots of enemies have low focus.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Not So Fast

  • Delay or interrupt the actions of 50 enemies.

Should unlock naturally as you play the game! Breaking focus interrupts enemies, and you can augment attacks with interruption charms. Morana also has an interrupt ability that can be pretty strong.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Fast and Nervous

  • Win a skirmish in 6 rounds or less.

This should unlock rather quickly, a lot fights only have 2 enemies, especially in the early game.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Factory of Pain

  • Inflict 1,001 damage to your enemies.

It sounds like a scary number, but some attacks do 40+ on their own so the damage numbers rack up pretty quickly!

  • Medium

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Eternal Suffering

  • Impose the state of Suffering 100 time on your enemies.

I really liked Bukavac, because he can set up a lot of things with Suffering. His final attack is very strong at spreading Suffering. Along with this, you yourself can spread suffering and augment your skills to generate more of it.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Close Shave

  • Win a fight with fewer than 6 Health Points remaining.

If you plan for it, this is easy enough against enemies that don’t apply bleed or other DoT attacks. That being said, it can be difficult because healing is often a priority if you aren’t thinking about it and 6 is VERY low. Best done early on in the game, when enemies are less complicated.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Complete Domination

  • Win a fight with full Health Points.

Easier than it sounds, due to Veles and Upyr’s ability to heal us. The key to making this easy is learning to interrupt or postpone the enemy so they don’t land a hit! Best attempted on an easy fight with few enemies.

  • Hard

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Hands Off

  • Keep enemies from launching an attack during a fight.

This is tough because it requires a proper strategy and the right fight. Find an early game encounter that has two enemies with low focus, and augment your focus attacks so that it does double when an enemy is suffering. Use Morana’s interrupt to keep one of them eternally trapped, while you start breaking the focus of the other. Augment your quick punch with a 50% chance to interrupt and use Veles if you’re in a tight spot. With luck, you’ll get it!

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Peaceful Solution

  • Win a fight only by imposing states on enemies.

The reason this is tough is because enemies start to receive modifiers as the game goes on, and really likes to apply one that negates negative states. It’s a good thing we get Bukavac so early because that’s the prime time for this one. You can augment your suffering attacks to do more, and bloody debt counts as a ‘state’ so Djinn can work as well.


Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide
Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide
Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide
Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide
Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Sketch Artist / Posh Boy / Music Lover / Tourist / This Picture Makes Me Look Fat

  • Sketch Every Local Landmark, Collect All Clothing Sets, Collect All Gramophone Records,
  • Watch All Stereograph Photos, Tear Off All Wanted Notices With Your Picture.

(Forgive me for being lazy on this one, another content creator has made an amazing reference guide already! Which I will link below. Please make sure to show them some love for compiling a list and doing the good work!)

Furthermore, here is my advice for those that would like to play organically, as my first playthrough I found 54/55 of them. Suffice to say, if you’re looking for them you should find most of them and use the reference guide to proof check. Here are some helpful tips.

Sketch Artist

  • All Side Quests and ‘Urban Legends’ operate on a timer. This timer does not pass with actual time, it progresses when you complete a Main Quest. Which means you should fully investigate each district and complete Urban Legends before progressing. Then come back and check districts again once you complete main missions.
  • Urban Legends happen at specific times of day, for example “Head to Madame Dragonfly’s tea ceremony at night.” These trigger when you find pieces of evidence around the district with your Perception skill, like newspaper clippings or private notes. Use benches to complete them right away!
  • Local Landmarks don’t only appear in Urban Legend quests. They also appear in the form of events around the city, such as a cotton candy salesman or a tray of shots at the bar, but ALWAYS have a Star symbol on the map. Using Northern Srodmiescie as an example, they have different salesman at different times of day, and you can simply use the bench and check your map at each time to see if anything new pops up.
  • Finally, there are some that are only available if you make certain choices during quests. Like asking Grazynska for hot cocoa. Or helping Uncle find the scotch in the basement. The Reptilian Bash has two food tables with limited availability, etc. Make sure to interact with everything you see during quests and search each room carefully.

Posh Boy

  • Fashion trends work very similarly to Urban Legends, you must find three pieces of evidence around a district, this will then update your side quest and lead you to a Fashion Magazine. Bring the magazine to the Tailor to enhance his collection.
  • Typically one magazine per district, but as you progress the main story some areas will update with an additional magazine, just like urban legends.

Music Lover

  • These are mostly tied to side quests and main quests when you visit certain areas. Be thorough inside of buildings, they’re hard to miss most of the time.


  • Just like events that happen around the city, Tourist Booths show up on the map as a Star Icon and show you pictures of a local sight. You get exp for hunting down the spot and viewing it in person as well, but so long as you keep an eye out on your first visit to a district, you should find them all easily.

This Picture Makes Me Look Fat

  • Only available toward the end of the game, after you break out of the Citadel where you get interrogated. They are spread out across the available districts, but since a lot of them are locked at this point they are not hard to hunt down.

Detailed Collectibles Checklist

Skill Tree

On your first playthrough, don’t worry too much just try to max one or two of them. On your second playthrough you can accumulate skill points crazy fast! I had over 20 at one point. You can quicksave once you tame the salutor for the dimension you need, and then pour all of the points to get the achievement, reload and do another tree. I got 3 of the achievements this way.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Heart On Your Sleeve

  • Show some heart. Fully develop this dimension.

Some may want to leave Djinn for their Pride playthrough, and you can, but he is also necessary to fully level the heart dimension.
(Honorable Upyr mention, without him none of this is possible. q.q)

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Man of Action

  • Show active commitment and fully develop the Deed dimension.

This achievement is intended for your Pride playthrough.

You need Bukavac and Golem in order to fully develop the Deed dimension, and therefore best reserved for the Pride run.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide


  • Be mindful – Fully develop the Mind dimension.

For this, you’ll want Lelek (Main Quest) & Morana (Side Quest) to fully develop the Mind dimension.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide


  • Keep your word. Fully develop the Word dimension.

This requires Veles (Main Quest) and Krampus (Side Quest) in order to fully level the Word dimension.

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide

Wings of Pride

  • Be guided by Pride and let your Flaw mature.

This achievement is intended for your Pride playthrough.

As you use Pride related dialogue options, your flaw becomes stronger until it starts to make decisions for you. This is relatively easy to achieve, even if you don’t use them all the time. On my Pride playthrough I got it near the end of Act 1. But it does effect certain endings.

100% Completion

Thaumaturge Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide


  • Get all the achievements.

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