Kingsvein Guide: Classes, Skills, Passives, Upgrades, Synergies

This guide covers the basics of Kingsvein classes, skills, passives, etc. Eventually, I will add my thoughts on each skill / passive / class, etc, as well as thoughts on party composition.

Kingsvein Guide


  • Currently, this guide lists the most basic elements – skills, passives, and character upgrades provided by each class, as well as your starting choices.
  • The next step will be to provide commentary on each skill / passive and general thoughts on the suite of skills provided by a full class.
  • After that, I’ll add the XP cost to unlock each skill / passive, as well as for each rank of each skill.
  • Eventually, I’ll add notes on party composition for the default difficulty (Vanguard) and the hardest difficulty (I presume that Ruin is unlocked after you beat the game once, as in previous entries in the series).


Terms and definitions

  • aoe – Area of Effect. An aoe X targets all tiles within X of the center tile. An aoe 1 targets 5 tiles in a cross / plus.
  • cone – A cone 1 targets a tile and then the three tiles past it in a T shape. A cone 2 has the same shape as an aoe 1, but the initial target is the nearest corner of the cross / pluss. A cone 3 additionally targets the far corners, for a total of 7 targeted tiles.
  • cardinal directions – Some skills, such as basic spear attacks and the Knight’s Charge ability, can only target tiles in straight lines Nort / South / East / West of your character, and cannot target diagonally.
  • line of sight – Skills that use line of sight cannot shoot past units or obstacles, such as crossbows and the Mystic’s Flame ability.

Starting Choices

Main Character: Classes

  • Wisp Slayer – +4 HP, +1 MP. Once per turn when you kill an enemy, get an extra action. This does not allow you a second movement.
  • Wisp Stalker – +2 HP, +2 MP, +1 Move. Once per turn when you kill an enemy, gain +1 MP and become invisible for 1 turn.
  • Dark Augur – +1 HP, +2 MP. Regain 50% of your MP whenever your MP reaches 0. Damage is taken from your MP pool before your HP pool, except for your last 10 MP. (Example: If you currently have 15 MP and take 20 damage, the first 5 will be subtracted from your MP, and the remaining 15 damage will come from your HP)

Wyvern classes

  • Wyvern – +2 HP, +3 MP.
  • Winged – +1 MP. You can jump over enemies as if they were terrain obstacles.
  • Charger – +3 HP. +2 Move in straight lines. -1 Move along diagonals.


  • Junkstone – +20% XP gain.
  • Corpryst – +2 HP, +1 MP.
  • Voltraced – +4 MP.

Zavarde is Corpryst.

Remir is a Scurio, and gets +1 Move if she hasn’t acted yet and takes -25% ice damage.


There are fewer base weapon types in Kingsvein than in the other Rad Codex games. Swords, Spears, Flails, Shields, Bows, Crossbows, Clubs, Gauntlets, and Triggers. There are also fewer tiers of weapons: Rusty / Junkstone, Ore (+1 dmg), and Corpryst (+2 dmg).

  • Swords get +1 damage.
  • Flails can attack any of the 8 surrounding tiles.
  • Spears can attack two tiles in any of the cardinal directions. Basic attacks hit both tiles in range, while most skills require you to target a single tile – which has the benefit of allowing you to hide behind an ally while stabbing your foe. Marshals have the Spear Banner passive which prevents you from ever hurting an ally with a spear and additionally causing your basic spear attacks to heal allies in range.
  • Shields do a set amount of damage, increase your maximum HP, and push 1 tile on hit.
  • Bows are 2-handed weapons that can target any tile (other than those blocked by walls) between 3 and 4 tiles away.
  • Crossbows get +2 damage, and can target any tile between 2 and 3 tiles away (but follow full line of sight restrictions). Additionally, you can’t shoot a crossbow a second time until you have reloaded it. Marksmen have the Reload passive which automatically reloads your crossbow if you either make a melee attack or reload a crossbow in your other hand.
  • Clubs get +50% damage from your Str stat (making good use of the Knight’s Brave skill), but can’t have their damage increased by character upgrades.
  • Gauntlets have no inherent bonuses, and are usually weak, but come with buffs to Str / Mag (and penalties to MP). Titans can spend stars to upgrade gauntlet damage.
  • Triggers do a set amount of damage (if you equip them in your hand directly), although Mancers have a passive that allows you to add some of your Mag and Adept upgrades to damage.

There are a number of unique weapons of each category that have additional attributes, such as the Pneumatic Lance – a 2-handed crossbow without a minimum range that counts as a melee weapon for skills.

Class Guide

Knight Build

The Knight is the basic melee class all your characters start with (except your Wyvern, but they can eventually get access to the Knight and Mystic).


  • Bash – 0 MP – Deal 30-70% weapon damage and push the target 2 tiles. Melee weapon only.
  • Charge – 0 MP – Move 1-3 tiles in a straight line and then make an attack at 80% weapon damage, ignoring your weapon’s normal range. Melee weapon only.
  • Bide – 0 MP – Delayed – Prepare a delayed attack for 250-300% weapon damage. Melee weapon only. The attack is cancelled if you move, teleport, get pushed or pulled, etc. As an exception to the standard rule, this ability will hit all tiles in a spear’s range.
  • Ready – 1 MP – Attack the first enemy that enters a tile in melee range for 60-80% weapon dmg. Melee weapon only. The attack is cancelled if you move, teleport, get pushed or pulled, etc.
  • Brave – 1 MP – Give yourself or an adjacent ally +1-3 Str for 2 turns.


  • Counter – When hit by a melee attack (dodging doesn’t count), retaliate with a 25% weapon damage attack. As an exception to the standard rule, this ability will hit all tiles in a spear’s range. If you are pushed by the attack, you’ll retaliate from your end position (meaning you’ll probably be out of range).
  • Opportunist – Weapon attacks you make outside of your normal turn (Counters, delayed attacks, and reacting to Marshal abilities) deal +50% weapon damage.
  • Stoic – While preparing a delayed weapon attack, you are immune to pushes and pulls.


  • Endurance – Increase maximum HP.
  • Sword / Spear / Flail Skill – Increase damage you deal with a particular weapon group.

Chisel Build

Unlocked with 250 XP in Knight. Your Wyvern cannot unlock this class.


  • Lacerate – 1 MP – Deal 50% weapon damage and inflict Bleed for 2 – 5 turns. Targets 1 tile in your melee weapon’s range. If a bleeding unit moves, it takes 2 damage per tile moved at the end of its turn.
  • Gouge – 1 MP – Deal 50% weapon damage and inflict Blind for 2 – 5 turns. Targets 1 tile in your melee weapon’s range. Blind units have their movement and attack range reduced to 1.
  • Sunder – 1 MP – Deal 50% weapon damage and inflict Fragile for 2 – 5 turns. Targets 1 tile in your melee weapon’s range. Fragil targets take +50% damage.
  • Chain – 0 MP – Pull a target up to 3 – 4 tiles away (cardinal directions only) to you, and inflicts -1 Move for 1 turn.
  • Shatter – 4 MP – Deal 80% weapon damage, plus and additional 30-40% for each negative status effect on the target and each of your allies adjacent to the target. Targets 1 tile in your melee weapon’s range.


  • Venom – your weapon attacks inflict Poison for 4 turns. Poisoned targets take 1 damage at the end of their turn. Poison can stack twice.
  • Flanker – Weapon attacks deal +25% damage to enemies when an ally is behind them.
  • Timed Hits – Deal +30% weapon damage if you press the ‘Use’ button just before damage is dealt.
  • Low Profile – Become invisible for 1 turn when you end your turn adjacent to 3 visible allies and no enemies.


  • Evasion – +1% dodge chance.
  • Sword / Spear / Flail Skill – +1 damage with the relevant weapon group.
  • Stealth Sense – Gain +1 Str and Mag per rank while invisible and for 1 turn after. If you have any ranks in this, you can see the vision ranges of enemies within 6 tiles when you press the ‘Highlight All’ button.

Mystic Build

The Mystic is the basic mage class all of your characters start with (except your Wyvern, but they can eventually get access to the Knight and Mystic).


  • Flame – 3 MP – 3 fire damage to 1 target in line of sight. Range 3 – 5.
  • Arc – 3 MP – 2 lightning damage to 2 – 4 targets. The 1st target has a range of 2, and each following target must be exactly 2 tiles away from a previous target.
  • Burst – 3 MP – 3 physical damage to a target in line of sight. Range of 3 – 5, cardinal directions only. Push 1 to all tiles adjacent to the target.
  • Bloodspike – 3 MP – Creates spikes on a tile (2 damage). If the tile is currently occupied, deal extra ruin damage (up to 5) based on the amount of blood already on the tile. Range 2 – 4.
  • Absorb – 0 MP – Dispel all status effects on the target and terrain effects on the tile, and recover 1 – 3 MP for each effect dispelled. Range 3.


  • Draw Power – Deal +1 fire / adjacent flame and +1 ruin / adjacent blood pool (max +2 damage).
  • Warmage – Deal +1 fire / lightning / ice / ruin damage to adjacent enemies.
  • Leylines – When you end your turn on a Sigil or Fortification, gain its bonus for 2 turns.


  • Focus – +1 maximum MP.
  • Blaze / Geo / Ruin Adept – +1 damage with fire/lightning, physical, or ice/ruin magic.

Vanguard Guide

Unlocked with 400 XP in Knight.


  • Smite – 0 MP – Deal 50-70% damage to the three tiles in a wide line in front of you, and deal 50% damage. Requires a melee weapon.
  • Barge – 0 MP – Deal 60-100% damage to an adjacent tile, push 1 tile, and move into the targeted tile (if possible). Requires a melee weapon.
  • Revitalize – 3 MP – Revive an ally (skipping their turn this round) or heal an ally for 4-7 HP. Range 1.
  • Cover – 1 MP – Grant an adjacent ally Negate for 2-4 turns and switch places with them. Negate cancels the first instance of damage a target would take.
  • Fortify – 1-3 MP – Push 1 on the tiles on opposite sides of you, then create Fortifications for 6 turns on each tile. Fortifications reduce physical damage taken by 50%, and are destroyed by any amount of fire damage.


  • Counter Push – When hit by a melee weapon, push your attacker 2 tiles.
  • Shield Bash – Use your shield to push the primary target of adjacent weapon attacks 1 tile.
  • Blockage – When you end your turn, inflict -1 Move on adjacent enemies for 1 turn.


  • Endurance – +X max HP.
  • Sword / Spear / Flail Skill – +X damage with the relevant weapon group.
  • Healer – Heal targets an additional +X HP with abilities, items, passives, etc.
  • Defy Death – Lose X less max HP when KO’d and recover +X HP when reviving or being revived. If you have any ranks in this, you get a 20% chance to automatically revive with 1 HP instead of fading out.

Fanger Guide

Unlocked with 300 XP in Knight and 300 XP in Chisel.


  • Fang – 3 MP – Create a Fang (destructible terrain hazard) within 1-3 tiles (cardinal directions only) that lasts for 6 turns. If the tile is currently occupied, deal 3 physical damage and push the target 2 tiles. When a Fang is damaged, it deals 3 physical damage to all adjacent tiles and pushes them 2.
  • Caltrops – 3 MP – Create spikes in a cone of size 2-4. Spikes are difficult terrain and deal 2 damage. Spikes are removed if stepped on or damaged.
  • Razorwire – 3 MP – Target a tile within 2-4 tiles (cardinal directions only). Pull 1 on the closest creature on each side perpendicular to the line within 2-3 tiles, then inflict Bleed for 1 turn on the target tile and the adjacent two tiles.
  • Whiplash – Deal 2 physical damage, push all tiles adjacent to the targeted tile 1, then pull the target 1. Range 2-4 (cardinal directions only), requires line of sight.
  • Sharpen – Target 1-3 Spike tiles and/or allies. Targeted Spikes become Shar Spikes (deal 2 damage and inflict Bleed for 3 turns). The targeted ally’s first weapon attack within 2 turns inflicts Bleed for 3 turns.


  • Impaler – During your turn, add 1/2 your Str to the damage of Fangs and Spikes.
  • Sharpener – Your spikes deal half your Geo Adept extra physical damage. Also, creating Spikes on top of Spikes creates Sharp Spikes (deal 2 damage and inflict Bleed for 3 turns).
  • Trapper – Your weapon attacks deal +40% damage to enemies that cannot move anywhere.


  • Evasion – +X% dodge chance
  • Sword / Spear / Flail Skill – +X damage with the relevant weapon group.
  • Archery – +X damage with bows and crossbows.
  • Geo Adept – +X damage with physical magic.

Marksman Guide

Unlocked with 250 XP in Knight and 400 XP in Chisel.


  • Snipe – 0 MP – Delayed – Deal 175% dmg to one tile in range. Uses your ranged weapon range +2-4. The attack is cancelled if you move, teleport, get pushed or pulled, etc.
  • Ricochet – 2 MP – Deal 40-70% damage to two targets in your ranged weapon’s range. The second target must be exactly 2 tiles away from the first target.
  • Bombard – 3 MP – Attack a target in your ranged weapon’s range +0-2 and push all adjacent tiles 1.
  • Recoil Shot – 0 MP – Attack a target in your ranged weapon’s range +0-2, pushing it forward and yourself backward.
  • Backscatter – 1 MP – Deal 80-100% damage to one target in your ranged weapon’s range (cardinal directions only), then the same damage to two targets at 45 degree angles back toward you. The backward shots travel 2 tiles.


  • Shrapnel – Ranged weapon attacaks deal 1 physical damage to enemies adjacent to the primary target.
  • Quick Reload – When you reload or make a melee attack, reload all equipped weapons.
  • Artillery – Gain +1 attack range with bows and crossbows at the cost of -1 Move.


  • Evasion – +X% dodge chance
  • Archery – +X damage with bows and crossbows.
  • Ranged Expert – +5*X% weapon damage per tile between you and the target.


Unlocked with 300 XP in Mystic.


  • Mend – 4 MP – Delayed – Revive the target and/or heal it for 8-14 HP and cure all negative effects. Range 3.
  • Growth – 4 MP – Create a Growth for 6 turns in an unoccupied tile and heal all adjacent units 2-4 HP. Anyone ending their turn on a Growth heals 5 HP. Range 2.
  • Stalagmire – 3 MP – Inflict -1 Move on a target and surround it with spikes. Range 2-4.
  • Quake – 4 MP – Delayed – Deal 6 physical damage in a 5×5 square in 2-4 tiles. Doesn’t deal damage to the caster or to units on tiles with blood pools.
  • Soilshift – Push 2 on all tiles in a 3-tile wide line than extends up to 3-5 tiles away from you (cardinal directions only).


  • Perfect Focus – While at full HP, -1 to all MP costs.
  • Meld Clay – The amount your abilities heal is increased by half of your Geo Adept.
  • Overgrowth – You and adjacent allies recover 1 MP when you have full HP after you are healed.


  • Focus – +X max MP.
  • Geo Adept – +X damage with physical magic.
  • Healer – Heal targets an additional +X HP with abilities, items, passives, etc.
  • Regeneration – Whenever you are healed, you recover an additional +X HP.
  • Defy Death – Lose X less max HP when KO’d and recover +X HP when reviving or being revived. If you have any ranks in this, you get a 20% chance to automatically revive with 1 HP instead of fading out.

Ashen Build

Unlocked with 500 XP in Mystic.


  • Inferno – 4 MP – Delayed – Deal 8 fire damage in an aoe 1 within a range of 3-5.
  • Thunderbolt – 4 MP – Deal 4 lightning damage to a target in a range of 2-4. Push 1 on all tiles adjacent to the target.
  • Flamelash – 3 MP – Deal 3 fire damage to 2-4 consecutive tiles, starting from an adjacent tile or a Fire tile within 6 tiles of you.
  • 4 MP – Deal 1 fire damage + 2 for every Fire tile within 2 tiles of the targeted enemy, OR restore 4 MP for every Fire tile within 2 tiles of the targeted ally. Put out all Fire tiles within 2 tiles of the target.
  • Catalyze – 2 MP – Deal 4 lightning damage to all contiguous blood tiles and convert the blood to Oil. Oil inflicts -1 Move to any unit starting on the tile and deals 4 fire damage when dealt fire damage.


  • Burning Focus – gain +2 Mag, but increase MP costs of all spells that cost at least 1 MP by 1.
  • Bright Spark – During your turn, Fire hazard and electrified Blood damage to enemies is increased by Blaze Adept.
  • Fireburst – During your turn, any flames struck by lightning explode, dealing 3 fire to adjacent tiles.


  • Focus – +X max MP.
  • Blaze Adept – +X fire/lightning damage.
  • Meditation – Gain +X more MP each time you recover MP.

Marshal Build

Unlocked with 400 XP in Knight and 300 XP in Vanguard.


  • Strike! – 5 MP – Command allies to melee the target if possible, dealing 50% damage. Range 2-4.
  • Shoot! – 3 MP – Command allies to shoot the target if possible, dealing 90% damage. Range 2-4.
  • Rally! – 3 MP – Heal 1 HP to allies in an aoe 1 and cure their negative status effects. Range 2-4.
  • Move! – 1 MP – Swap the position of allies and grant them +10-20% dodge for 2 turns. Range 3-4 for the initial target, second target must be within 2 tiles of the initial target.
  • Hold! – 3 MP – Create a Fortification for 6 turns. Fortifications reduce physical damage taken by 50%, and are destroyed by any amount of fire damage.


  • Spear Banner – All your spear attacks miss allies, and your basic spear attacks heal allies instead.
  • Fighting Spirit – When you end your turn, heal +1 HP per adjacent enemy.
  • Strategize – When you end your turn, adjacent allies gain +1 Move for 1 turn.


  • Endurance – +X max HP.
  • Sword / Spear Skill – +X damage with the relevant weapon group.
  • Healer – Heal targets an additional +X HP with abilities, items, passives, etc.
  • Teamwork – Gain +X Str and Mag when adjacent to an ally with Teamwork.

Titan Build

Unlocked with 400 XP in Knight, 300 XP in Chisel, and 150 XP in Vanguard.


  • Rock Blast – 2 MP – Deal 3 physical damage to a non-adjacent target in range 3-5 (cardinal directions only). You can instead target certain walls (such as junkstone, or, and meldstone walls) that are 1 tile thick with an empty tile behind them to break the wall and target in a cone 2 – 4 that deals 6 physical damage. This is one of 2 ways in the game to break these types of walls.
  • Wave Crash – 2 MP – Pull all targets in a straight 4-tile long line 2 tiles, then attack the adjacent tile for 70-90% weapon damage and push 1.
  • Meteor Slam – 3 Mp – Delayed – Deal 150-200% weapon damage to a tile in range 2 (cardinal directions only), then 7-9 damage to adjacent tiles, create Spikes, and push adjacent tiles 2. This skill scales with Str and weapon skills for the direct attack, and 1x your Mag and Geo Adept for the damage to adjacent targets.
  • Suplex – 2 MP – Swap places with an adjacent target, and deal physical damage equal to 1 + 1-3 per difference between your Str and the target’s.
  • Sanctify – 1-3 MP – Push 1 on all adjacent tiles, then create a Power Sigil on your tile for 6 turns. A Power Sigil increases Str by 3 while standing on it.


  • Brute – During your turn, push damage to enemies is increased by +2.
  • Vengeful – Gain +2 Str while below 50% HP.
  • Undying – When you prepare a delayed weapon attack, become unable to go below 1 HP for 1 turn. Cannot be reapplied for 2 turns.


  • Endurance – +X max HP.
  • Evasion – +X% dodge chance.
  • Flail / Fist Skill – +X damage with the relevant weapon group.
  • Geo Adept – +X damage with physical magic.
  • Defy Death – Lose X less max HP when KO’d and recover +X HP when reviving or being revived. If you have any ranks in this, you get a 20% chance to automatically revive with 1 HP instead of fading out.

Dragoon Build

Unlocked with 400 XP in Knight, 400 XP in Chisel, 500 XP in Mystic, 300 XP in Vanguard, and 300 XP in Marksman, for a minmum of 1900 XP to unlock the Dragoon, making it the most expensive class to unlock.


  • Twin Fang – 5 MP – Deal 60-80% of your main-hand melee weapon’s damage to one tile in your main-hand weapon’s range (cardinal directions only), then move adjacent to that tile and deal 60% of your off-hand melee weapon’s damage to the same tile.
  • X-Strike – 4 MP – Attack for 55-65% damage with each of your equipped melee weapons in an X shape adjacent to you. The target tile is hit by both weapons.
  • Storm Assault – Deal 60-80% weapon damage to all targets your weapon can reach in a 270 degree arc.
  • Spellstrike – 2 MP – Using this ability doesn’t cost an action. The next time you cast a non-delayed spell that targets a unit in range of your melee weapon, deal 50-70% of your weapon damage in addition to the spell’s normal effects. This does not trigger any weapon augments, passives, or innate weapon effects (such as trigger stones, Vanguard’s Shield Bash passive, or the push innate to shields). This does add damage for spells in range of a loaded Pneumatic Lance.
  • Launch – 2 MP – Leap to a tile in range 3-4, leaving behind a Move Sigil. Move Sigils grant +3 movement.


  • Tempest – At the end of your turn, and when you use an ability that moves you, deal 1 physical damage to adjacent enemies.
  • Giant’s Reach – Gain +1 attack range with melee weapons at the cost of -1 Str. The increased attack range does not add to diagonal reach – spears can attack all 3 tiles in a line, swords and the like can target one tile in range 2 (cardinal direction only), and flails can attack any tile in a 5×5 cube except for the four corners.
  • Weapon Master – Gain +Str equal to your lowest Sword / Spear / Flail Skill.


  • Endurance – +X max HP.
  • Sword / Spear / Flail Skill – +X damage with the relevant weapon group.
  • Archery – +X damage with bows and crossbows.

Mancer Build

Unlocked with 300 XP in Mystic and 400 XP in Melder.


  • Judgment – 4 MP – Delayed – Deal 8 lightning + 8 fire damage to one tile in rang 4-6.
  • Doom – 5 MP – Target gains the Doom status, which deals 16 Ruin damage after 3 turns. Range 2-4.
  • Bless – 3 MP – Target gains the Bless tatus, which heals 16 HP and cures all negative status ailments after 3 turns.
  • Decree – 3 MP – If the target’s HP and MP are within 7-10 of each other, swap them. Range 4.
  • Echo Cast – 0 MP – Toggle ability – Your next non-delayed spell is additionally cast as a delayed spell. The delayed spell’s cast costs -1 MP per rank of this skill.


  • Stone Savant – Trigger stones wielded in hand have range 3, and trigger stones within weapons are affected by half your Mag and Blaze / Ruin Adept.
  • Defiance – While preparing a delayed ability, you take 25% less damage.
  • Dark Omen – When you end your turn preparing a delayed ability, inflict -2 Mag to enemies in its area for 1 turn.


  • Focus – +X max MP.
  • Blaze / Ruin Adept – +X damage with Fire/Lightning or Ice/Ruin magic.
  • Healer – Heal targets an additional +X HP with abilities, items, passives, etc.
  • Channeler – Gain +X Str and Mag while preparing a delayed ability and for 1 turn after.
  • Defy Death – Lose X less max HP when KO’d and recover +X HP when reviving or being revived. If you have any ranks in this, you get a 20% chance to automatically revive with 1 HP instead of fading out.

Eidolith Build

Unlocked with 500 XP in Mystic, 300 Xp in Melder, and 300 XP in Ashen.


  • Flare – 3-5 MP – Deal 4 fire damage to an adjacent target and inflict Blind in aoe 1 (including you).
  • Void Beam – 5 MP – Delayed – Deal 6 fire damage in a line up to 4-6 tiles long. The final tile of the beam blinds for 2 turns. Tiles adjacent to the beam are pushed away from the beam. If you are moved, the beam location moves with you.
  • Null Void – 3 MP – Dispel all status effects and terrain effects and inflict -2 Mag for 3 turns in an aoe 1. Range 2 – 4.
  • Fade – 3 MP – Make an ally in range 1 – 3 invisible for 1 turn.
  • Projection – 7 MP – Create an illusory duplicate of yourself with no armor / accessories, -5 max HP / MP, and -2 Str/Mag that lasts for 3 turns. It doesn’t get to act the turn it was created, and cannot be healed. Range 1-3. If you have enough max MP, your Projection can also cast Projection.


  • Counter Fade – When hit by a melee weapon, cast Fade on yourself.
  • Inner Eye – Blind lasts 1 turn longer on you. Deal +20% damage while Blind. Deal +20% damage against Blind targets.
  • Absorb Aura – At the end of your turn, steal 1 MP from adjacent enemies.


  • Focus – +X max MP.
  • Blaze / Ruin Adept – +X damage with Fire/Lightning or Ice/Ruin magic.
  • Stealth Sense – Gain +1 Str and Mag per rank while invisible and for 1 turn after. If you have any ranks in this, you can see the vision ranges of enemies within 6 tiles when you press the ‘Highlight All’ button.

Crysolith Build

Unlocked with 500 XP in Mystic and 400 XP in Ashen.


  • Ice Lance – 4 MP – Deal 3 ice damage and push 1 in a 3×1 wide line adjacent to you or a range 2-4 line.
  • Deep Frost – 4 MP – Deal 2 ice damage and inflict -1 Move for 1 turn in an aoe 1. Range 2-4.
  • Dark Ice – 5 MP – Delay – Deal 7 ice damage and freeze the tile solid for 3 turns. Range 3-5.
  • Desecrate – 3 MP – Deal 4 ice / ruin damage. If the tile already has blood or ice, also deal that damage to all tiles with contiguous blood and ice. Range 1-3.
  • Despair – 2 MP – Dispel all status effects and terrain effects on a tile in range 3. Deal 2 ruin + 1-3 ruin damage per dispelled effect.


  • Cold Focus – While standing on ice, reduce all MP costs by 1. At the end of your turn, gain +3 MP per frozen creature.
  • Fell Shards – If the primary target of your weapon attack is on ice, deal 1 ice damage to adjacent enemies and 1 ruin damage to the target.
  • Verglas – At the start of combat, gain Negate for 2 turns, and negate status isn’t removed when you would take only 1 or 2 damage.


  • Focus – +X max MP.
  • Ruin Adept – +X ice / ruin damage with magic.
  • Meditation – Gain +X more MP each time you recover MP.

Gatekeeper Build

Unlocked with 500 XP in Mystic and 400 XP in Ashen.


  • Gate: Anchor – 1 MP – Teleport to the target at the end of your turn. Doesn’t cost an action. Can’t be used after acting. Range 2-4.
  • Gate: Stalactites – 5 MP – Deal 2 physical damage in an aoe 1, and create Spikes in the center tile. Range 2-4.
  • Gate: Pyre – 6 MP – Create a Pyreclot that deals 1 fire damage to adjacent tiles. After a Delay, deals 9 fire damage in 2 tiles. Range 2-4. Dealing ice damage to a Pyreclot disables its second explosion.
  • Gate: Blizzard – 6 MP – Delayed – Deal 7 ice damage in an aoe 2. Range 2-4.
  • Gate: Lightning – 5 MP – Delayed – Deal 6 lightning damage in two aoe 1 areas that are adjacent to each other. Deal +6 lightning damage if the target is adjacent to at least 2 tiles in the area of effect. Range 2-4 for the first aoe. The second aoe must be exactly 3 tiles away from the first.


  • Massacre – Your magic deals +10% damage per enemy ajdacent to the target.
  • Antipode – During your turn, melting Ice deals fire damage equal to your Blaze + Ruin Adept, and you can melt Ice with lightning damage.
  • Element Master – Gain +Mag equal to half your lowest Blaze / Geo / Ruin Adept skill rounded up.
  • Gate Hand – You can interact with objects far away from you, even during combat.


  • Focus – +X max MP.
  • Blaze / Geo / Ruin Adept – +X Fire/Lightning, physical, or Ice/Ruin damage with magic.
  • Channeler – Gain +X Str and Mag while preparing a delayed ability and for 1 turn after.
  • Meditation – Gain +X more MP each time you recover MP.

War Beast Build


  • Shove – 0 MP – Push 1 on a target in 1-2 tiles, then move forward 1 tile.
  • Drag – 0 MP – Pull 1 on a target in 1-2 tiles, moving backwards.
  • Saddle – 0 MP – Pick up an adjacent ally, causing them to mount you. If you are already mounted, instead drop the mounted ally in a space adjacent to you.
  • Chomp – 3 MP – Deal 75-125% damage and inflict -1 Str / Move for 2 turns. Range 1.
  • Dash – 4 MP – Move 1-2 tiles. This doesn’t consume an action.


  • Cavalry – While you have a rider, take -25% damage.
  • Free Spirit – While you have no rider, gain +1 Str / Mag.
  • Combat Supplies – At the end of your turn, recover 1 MP. When you are KO’d, your rider gains half your MP and Negate for 3 turns.
  • Treader – Take no damage from walking on Fire or Spikes, and your Move and Jump cannot be reduced.


  • Endurance – +X max HP.
  • Focus – +X max MP.
  • Regeneration – Whenever you are healed, you recover an additional +X HP.
  • Clever – Unlocks the Knight and Mystic classes. You do not qualify to unlock any other classes even if you meet the XP requirements. Knight and Mystic skills and passives cost +50% XP.

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