Alien Swarm Reactive Drop: How to get Medals and Items

This guide will show you details about Alien Swarm Reactive Drop medals and items, as well as how to get them.

Complete guide to Medals and Items

A complete guide to medals and items! And how to obtain them!

Community Medals

Community medals are rewarded either by the Reactive Drop Team for doing different things for the community or rewarded in other ways. The ones needing to be rewarded by the Reactive Drop Team you need to contact them on either Discord or Steam.

Beta Tester

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“Awarded for participating in the Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop beta branch.”

You get this one by joining the beta branch by going into the AS:RD properties and choosing the beta branch, complete one mission and you will receive this one.


Complete guide to medals and items!

“Awarded by Reactive Drop Team for contributing to the Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop translation project.”

You get this one by contributing to the AS:RD translation project and it can be found here[].


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“Awarded by Reactive Drop Team for contributing to the code that powers Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop.”

You get this one by contributing code to the AS:RD project.


Complete guide to medals and items!

“Awarded by Reactive Drop Team to authors of high-quality maps.”

You get this one by making a map of high quality.


Complete guide to medals and items!

“Awarded by Reactive Drop Team to authors of high-quality challenges.”

You get this one by making a challenge of high quality.


Complete guide to medals and items!

“Awarded by Reactive Drop Team to authors of high-quality Steam guides.”

You get this one for making a guide with helpful information.


Complete guide to medals and items!

“Awarded by Reactive Drop Team for contributing art that is used in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop.”

You get this one by having art added to AS:RD.


Complete guide to medals and items!

“Awarded by Reactive Drop Team for high quality bug reports in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop.”

You get this one by reporting bugs of high quality.


Complete guide to medals and items!

“Awarded by Reactive Drop Team for creating video content about Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop.”

You get this one by making video content about the game, such as maybe stream it on Twitch or make YouTube videos.

Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces

Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces is a rank based monthly gamemode where you score points and climb the ranks.

Participant – Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces

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“Medal awarded to those who participated in any season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces.”

Play any season of HoIAF and score atleast 1 point.

Elite – Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces

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“Medal awarded to those who finished a March, April, or May season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces in the top 100.”

Complete guide to medals and items!

“Medal awarded to those who finished a June, July, or August season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces in the top 100.”

Complete guide to medals and items!

“Medal awarded to those who finished an September, October, or November season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces in the top 100.”

Complete guide to medals and items!

“Medal awarded to those who finished a December, January, or February season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces in the top 100.”

Top 20 – Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces

Complete guide to medals and items!

“Medal awarded to those who finished a March, April, or May season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces in the top 20.”

Complete guide to medals and items!

“Medal awarded to those who finished a June, July, or August season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces in the top 20.”

Complete guide to medals and items!

“Medal awarded to those who finished an September, October, or November season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces in the top 20.”

Complete guide to medals and items!

“Medal awarded to those who finished a December, January, or February season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces in the top 20.”


Strange items are items that count different stats.

Air Time

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“Thrown in the air by the giant worm in Operation Sandstorm.”

Air Time is unlocked by touching the giant worm that goes around on the mission Operation Sandstorm, part of the Reduction campaign. The Strange stat on the item is Worms Touched. The stats goes up when equipped by touching the worm and will cause you to flung into the air.

Containment Officer

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“Fought the zombie virus in Infection Deathmatch.”

Containment Officer is unlocked by playing a Deathmatch game with the Infection gamemode active and then doing anything that would otherwise update the stats. The stats it counts are Rounds Survived, Zombie Infections Spread and Last Stand Kills. The stats are only updated when playing a match of at least 5 players when it’s equipped.


These are more of joke/secret medals that can easily be obtained.

Trick Hat

Complete guide to medals and items!

“The trick is, this isn’t a hat or a medal. It’s a commemorative sticker.”
“Complete the Ready For Duty achievement in Team Fortress 2 to unlock.”

To unlock you must complete the Ready For Duty achievment in Team Fortress 2. The achievment is unlocked by completing the singeplayer training.

Complete guide to medals and items!

Priority Number One

Complete guide to medals and items!

“While infested and on fire, found the time to flush a toilet.”

The Priority Number One Medal…? can be pretty tricky sometimes. It requires you to be on fire, infected and flush a toilet.
The easiest way to do it is on the map SynTek Residential mission on Jacob’s Rest campaign. And go near the parasite in the bathroom near the vents. Go into the room and get them to jump out of their eggs, then run back to the fire that was at the window and run back, get infected and flush the toilet in there.

Veteran Medals

You get a Veteran medal for completing a campaign from start to finish without any marines dying. The game must be on Normal difficulty or harder.

Jacob’s Rest Veteran

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“Awarded to commanders who demonstrated Outstanding Execution in the Jacob’s Rest campaign.”

Example of a veteran medal, this one is for Jacob’s Rest campaign.

The Veteran Medals are awarded for getting the achievement to survive the whole campaign, without any marines dying. If you dont get the achievement, you don’t get the medal.

Complete guide to medals and items!

There is a medal for each map. But I won’t list them all here. Check out this guide instead for the full list of each medal:

Donor Stamps

Donor stamps are given to people who buy them in the AS:RD Steam store. It’s a form of showing support to certain people in the AS:RD community, such as artists, mappers, developers, translators and other.

Example of Donor Stamp:

Donor: Ben Lubar

Complete guide to medals and items!

“Represents a donation to Ben Lubar, release manager, host of the stats server, and programmer.”

Discontinued Medals

These medals were earned from special events or things like that and can not be obtained anymore.

Steam SHMUP Fest 2023

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“Fought the Swarm during Steam SHMUP Fest 2023.”

You got this medal by playing Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop during the Steam SHMUP Fest 2023 sale.

Mapping Competition Participant (2023)

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“Submitted an entry to the first annual mapping competition: “Boss Fight”, running from April 20th to August 1st 2023.”

You got this medal by submitting a map to the first annual mapping competition with the theme of Boss Fight.

Discontinued HoIAF medals

These are discontinued HoIAF medals that got replaced by the new ones. It was just the style of the medal that got replaced.

Participant – Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces

Complete guide to medals and items!

“Medal awarded to those who participated in any season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces.”

Top 20 – Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces

Complete guide to medals and items!

“Medal awarded to those who finished a season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces in the top 20.”

Elite – Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces

Complete guide to medals and items!

“Medal awarded to those who finished a March, April, or May season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces in the top 100.”

Complete guide to medals and items!

“Medal awarded to those who finished a June, July, or August season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces in the top 100.”

Complete guide to medals and items!

“Medal awarded to those who finished an September, October, or November season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces in the top 100.”

Complete guide to medals and items!

“Medal awarded to those who finished a December, January, or February season of Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces in the top 100.”

Special Medals

These medals are only for certain people in the community and can’t be obtained.

The Gauntlet: Arctic (#BossFight2023 Winner)

Complete guide to medals and items!

“This medal commemorates The Gauntlet: Arctic, the winner of the 2023 mapping competition.”

This medal was awarded to the winners of the 2023 mapping competition.

Ben Lubar

Complete guide to medals and items!

“Ben Lubar is very sorry about all of this.”

A medal for Ben Lubar.

Written by Mr. Crazy

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