Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievements Guide

You can benefit from the details in our guide to learn how to get achievements in DOLL EYE: CHAPTER ONE.


This guide will show you the achievements and how to unlock them.

Story/Unmissable Achievements

These first achievements are (mostly) unmissable on your first playthrough, just simply play and you’ll obtain them. If there’s any special conditions, I will list them beside the achievement.

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide

Day 364

  • When you begin playing it’s suggest you write down your dream into your dream journal. You will unlock this achievement by simply choosing to do so.

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide


  • When you talk to Kao he will suggest for you to take your medication. To get this achievement, you must follow his advice and take the pills. This achievement is a special case however as you can choose to not take the medication which will lead us to the alternative achievement called…

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide


  • In a way, Unmedicated is a story achievement as well! However, not in the way you think. When Kao says for you to take your medication. Simply decide to go outside and not take your medication. You’ll unlock this achievement the moment you do so. This achievement is mutually exclusive with Medicated, so you’ll unlock this or the other achievement when you leave Alfred’s House.

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide


  • You will unlock this achievement after you finish the first ”confrontation” with Peter Peterson aka Egglord.

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide


  • You will obtain this achievement after getting the ‘SOR RY’ shirt from Peter, make sure to wear it for good measure.

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide

DAY 365

  • This achievement SHOULD appear after Alfred says he can’t finish his dream entry. However it was somewhat glitched for me. I had to play the game twice to get it.

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide


  • Finish Chapter One and watch the credits roll. <3

Missable Achievements

Now, unlike story achievements, there’s a chance you will miss them. The game does warn you to be interacting with things for a reason.


Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide


  • When the game asks you for your age, answer 00 or any real low number to be given this achievement and some hilarious dialogue.

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide


  • In Alfred’s room, there’s a drawer next to the table that has the dream journal on it, open the drawer and obtain the stamp and you’ll be given this achievement. The stamp WILL be important for a later achievement. Keep a hold on it.

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide


  • When you are interacting with Yuki Chairo’s laptop, there’s a music player. Simply open the application and pause the music to get this achievement.

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide


  • While you’re inside of Alfred’s bathroom, examine the carpet by the shower and you will be greeted with ‘egg…’

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide

Everybody’s A Critic

  • When you first gain control of Alfred in Treelight, there’s a Red House. Head up to it and listen to the person inside. When they ask you a question on a scale from 1 to 5, for this achievement you will want to answer ‘1’.

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide


  • For this achievement, instead of ‘1’ you must answer ‘5’ to the Red House Person and follow up with ‘Nice’ when he reads out a poem to you. After this, continue to play the game as normal until the point when you receive the ‘SOR RY’ shirt from Peter. Go back to the Red House and talk to the person inside. Go into your inventory and read the poetry you get…and feel happy about what you’ve done for a story writer.

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide


  • This achievement can be gotten when you’re playing as Kao Ushi, you must examine all comic shelves BEFORE talking to Neko. If you examine after cleaning everything up, it won’t appear as there’s special dialogue if you go straight for the Robot section.

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide


  • Depending on how fast you are, you might just get this achievement on your first playthrough. All you need to do is clean up all comics that are on the ground and talk to Neko within 12 seconds. It’s easy especially if you bunch them all together before the invisible countdown begins

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide


  • This achievement is special, as there’s only a certain chance the requirements for it will happen. In order for the set up to occur, Alfred MUST NOT have taken his medication. If you’ve done it right, there’s now a chance where after the Shai and Peter scene that on one of the benches, Shia will be sitting down. Go and interact with him.
  • (as of writing, Shia will be somewhat behind a bench. It’s a bug, so keep a eye out.)

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement GuideQuack
Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement GuideStop it
Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement GuideNothing else happens. You can stop.

No. It’s not a formatting error. These three achievements have the same general premise. There’s a pond where Duckie will be floating around in circles by the King O’ Chain I believe. You must interact with the pond (as shown by the quacking sound) 500 times in total to get all three achievements.

I’m not joking.

Try it yourself.

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide


  • Remember ‘Postal’? The achievement, not the game. You’ll need the stamp from that achievement to progress here.

To begin the Soup quest proper, you’ll need to enter Breadley’s and interact with Breadley, he’s the nervous guy behind the counter. When Alfred says he doesn’t have any money, head outside. This will trigger a cutscene where you meet Sarah Tonin, the mail person. If you have the stamp still, you will get $5. Now head back into the bakery and buy a sandwich, you must give it to the kid in the corner (aka Puppy Sea) … in turn you will get napkins which you must give to Moss, the guy with the coffee stains.

In return you’ll get a shiny nickel, which you’ll need to give to the trashcan outside…and get juicy lore.

Whew…that’s a lot of ‘give and receive’ steps.

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide

It Said “Spoiled”

  • After you finish talking to Soup, you must accept and drink the spoiled milk.

Yes. It’s that simple. Now accept a job well done as you’ve finished the Soup quest. However, your job isn’t complete yet.

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide


  • When you enter Breadleys, there’s a jukebox. You must interact with it and rarely a secret special song will begin to play that changes the atmosphere of the bakery.

…all i know is that i aspire to be god.

Doll Eye Chapter 1 Achievement Guide


  • After getting the ‘SOR RY’ shirt, ahead back to the comic store and talk to ‘Nya’/the cashier. She’ll give you a comic book to give to Peter. Simply be the messenger and you’ll get some funny dialogue.
Written by Dr. Mystery

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