Lethal Company Store Items

If you need detailed information showing all the items in the Lethal Company store, take advantage of the information in our guide.

Lethal Company’s Store Items

The Store is a game mechanic in Lethal Company that allows various items to be purchased. Typing “store” into the Terminal will print a full list of the items available, including the current Profit Quota’s rotation of ship decor and item sales.

Items will be shipped to the current Moon via the Delivery System; if ordering from Orbit, the shipment will wait until you land before the vehicle begins its descent. Multiple purchases made fast enough — or made before landing — will be batched into a singular shipment. Once the delivery vehicle lands, the items must be quickly retrieved from it before it takes off again; the rocket will leave regardless once 30 seconds has elapsed after it lands, and the Company does not refund incomplete deliveries.

Only one delivery vehicle may land at a time; if an order contains more than 12 items, or if there is a delay between multiple purchases, the items will be split between multiple vehicles, with each one queued up to arrive shortly after the previous vehicle leaves.



Lethal Company's Store Items
The Boombox is an item that can be used for distracting monsters. If placed near enemies, they will run over and stand next to it (Some monsters will attack it) for an extended period of time, giving the player an opportunity to escape. The Boombox requires power and has a battery lifetime of 5 minutes 47 seconds, making it an effective baiting tool.

Price: 60

Extension ladder

Lethal Company's Store Items

The extension ladder is a small box that when placed on the ground (Using LMB), will then extend a ladder upwards. Once the ladder has reached its maximum height or hits a ceiling, it will fall forward and stop whenever it collides with a wall, the ground, or object. It can be very helpful for crossing certain gaps that are impossible to jump, or climbing up walls.

Price: 60


Lethal Company's Store Items

The Flashlight is a cheap and semi-reliable way to navigate darker areas of the map. While not as strong as the Pro-Flashlight, it can still help with certain rooms being nearly impossible to go through without one. It is highly recommended that at least 1 to 2 people bring one on every mission. It requires power in order to be used.

Price: 15


Lethal Company's Store Items

Jetpack is an item in Lethal Company that is used to let you fly into the air when holding LMB. This can be steered. You can hold LMB for approximately 4 seconds, release and then immediately hold LMB again, so you can fly very far away.

Price: 700


Lethal Company's Store Items

The Lockpicker is an item that can be purchased from the store for 20 credits. It is used to open any locked door you may come across. Unlike a Key, it does not get consumed on use and can be used an infinite amount of times.


  • Does not work on security doors.
  • Although the Lockpicker is useful for opening multiple doors and its cost is relatively low, players tend to rely more on keys because of their low weight and high likelihood to be found in the complex.
  • Keep in mind, the Lockpicker weighs 16 pounds, making you marginally slower while carrying it.

Price: 20


Lethal Company's Store Items

The pro-flashlight is a slightly more expensive, slightly heavier, but overall superior to the Flashlight. It has a wider cone of light, a longer range, and is much brighter. In addition, it has over double the battery capacity. While the pro-flashlight is not necessary, it can be a little more convenient than its inferior counterpart.

Price: 25


Lethal Company's Store Items

The Radar-booster is an item in Lethal Company primarily used by the person on Ship Duty. When deployed, it acts like an extra camera point, and can be switched to like a player. Unlike a player, it cannot be teleported back to the ship. Each Radar-booster has its own name, which can be seen from the monitor while it’s deployed or by scanning it.


From the Terminal, typing “Ping [Radar-booster’s name]” will make the chosen booster say “Hello!” This functions like any other player-triggered sound, e.g. it can be used to lure Eyeless Dogs.

Added in update 45, typing “Flash [Radar-booster’s name]” will make the booster flash a bright light. The light temporarily stuns most creatures and temporarily blinds any players looking at it. This makes radar boosters a less effective “stun weapon” similar to Zap guns and Stun grenades.

Price: 60


Lethal Company's Store Items

The shovel is primarily used to eliminate a multitude of creatures, but is additionally capable of harming teammates. It has the lowest weight of any offensive melee weapons, making it a viable option for self-defense.

The shovel is capable of dispatching creatures through blunt force. However, it should be known that a select few of creatures are capable of shrugging off (immune to damage) attacks dealt by the shovel alongside other weapons.

Price: 30

Spray Paint

Lethal Company's Store Items

The Spray Paint is a store item in lethal company. It can be purchased from the store for 50 dollars. It can be used just for fun to make art or otherwise mess around with, but it can also be used practically, such as to mark dead ends and the way back to prevent getting lost. The can can only spray for about 1 second before needing to be shaken using the Q key. You can spray paint during the shake animation, and it does not affect spray amount or accuracy. The can contains a limited amount of paint, and after it runs out, you must purchase a new one from the store.

Colors are randomly selected and can be…

  • Red
  • Purple
  • Green
  • Yellow

The paint works on most surfaces, with very little restrictions. Additionally, it can be sprayed and remain anywhere permanently on the ship, both on the interior and exterior, as well as the first room of a facility, due to said room always being the same (besides blocked off doorways). Beware of spraying it on the terminal and monitors, as it will forever render them unseeable unless you quit and re-join/re-host. Community testing for potential uses against monsters is currently underway; an incomplete list can be viewed below.

Price: 50

Stun grenade

Lethal Company's Store Items

A non-lethal explosive that will stun most creatures for 5 seconds. Once the pin is removed, the grenade will detonate after 3 seconds.


  • [LMB] once removes the pin on the grenade
  • [LMB] again, after removing the pin, will toss the grenade


  • Will damage the player if not thrown after the pin is removed.
  • Can fall through grates, in rooms that have them.
  • Stunning a Jester during its windup phase will delay it for the duration of the effect.
  • Will not affect the following entities:
  • Circuit Bees
  • Hygrodere
  • Earth Leviathan
  • Ghost Girl
  • Once used, the grenade can be picked up and thrown again (without the explosion)
  • Used grenades can be used to safely set off Mines within facilities then retrieved to do so again.

Price: 30


Lethal Company's Store Items

The TZP-Inhalant is a stimulant that, upon use, will decrease the stamina consumption of running and jumping. It will also give you a very small speed boost. The strength of the buff is dependent on how long the item is inhaled. While you do get a stronger buff the more you inhale, keep in mind that the longer you inhale it, the more it will disorient your vision. It is a high risk, high reward item.

Price: 120


Lethal Company's Store Items

The walkie-talkie is used to communicate between players over long distances. It can be very useful for information gathering and cross-map communication. It requires power and needs to be switched on to both transmit voice to other players, and receive voice.

Price: 12

Zap gun

Lethal Company's Store Items

It is an expensive defensive weapon that shoots a constant stream of electricity which immobilises hostiles and allies alike. The Zap guns can come in handy when dealing with certain enemies. It is not advised to bring the Zap gun to easier moons as its use is limited. It is highly recommended that you go along with a teammate with a Shovel to dispatch any enemy you encounter.

Price: 400

Survival Kit

Lethal Company's Store Items

The survival kit includes these necessities in a convenient package. Contains:

  • 4x Flashlights
  • 4x Walkie-talkies
  • 1x Shovel

Price: 138


Ship upgrades add extra functions to your ship. When purchased, the respective upgrade will remain available to use in the ship until a game over.


Lethal Company's Store Items

Press the red button on the table near ship’s radar to activate the teleporter. It will teleport whoever is currently being monitored by the ship’s radar inside the ship. They will not be able to keep any of their held items, and it takes ten seconds to recharge.


  • You can teleport dead players’ bodies back to the ship unless they have been devoured by certain enemies or environmental hazards: Such as:
  • Earth Leviathans.
  • Forest Keepers.
  • The Ocean on Gordion – Note that this is believed to be unintended behaviour as of V45.
  • The Company Building (Jeb).
  • Masked (dead/alive).
  • Quicksand during rainy weather.

Price: 375

Inverse Teleporter

Lethal Company's Store Items

Press the green button to activate the teleporter. It will teleport whoever is currently standing on top of the teleporter (dead or alive) into the facility. They will not be able to keep any of their held items through the teleport. It takes 200 seconds to recharge.

The teleporter seems to be random meaning you can be placed directly next to Turrets, Mines, and Mobs. Also, it is possible to be teleported to locations that are otherwise inaccessible, including dead ends and rooms behind locked and Secure Doors, on the edges of rooms hanging over pits or even directly over pits, stuck behind level geometry such as bunker pipes, and even outside of the map.

Price: 425

Loud horn

Lethal Company's Store Items

The loud horn can be heard from anywhere, including indoors. Walk up to the lever and use [LMB] to sound the horn. It will emit a loud ship-like horn for as long you hold it down.

The Loud Horn can be heard from all players regardless of their location, this provides two of many different uses for the crew while on a Moon.

  • It can be used to lure Eyeless Dogs to the front (opposite of the entrance) of the ship, helping your crewmates get inside as the horn is located at the bow, it will enrage them in the process and try to attack the horn.
  • Notify crewmates still in the Facility to leave if it is getting too late in the day to make it safely back before midnight.

Price: 150

Signal Translator

Lethal Company's Store Items

The Signal Translator is a Ship Equipment in Lethal Company, useful for communicating silently. It can send a text message to all living players at a maximum of 9 characters in length (for example, “Help!” is allowed, but “Don’t go in that room” is too long).

The Signal Translator is especially useful for alerting players to the presence of creatures outside the ship (especially Dogs as using a Walkie Talkie will likely get you killed). However, the message will type out letter by letter over a few seconds, so it’s not particularly useful in situations that require quick action.

Transmitting A Message

To transmit a message, a player can use the Terminal Command: “Transmit [transmitted message]”.

Price: 255


Similarly to ship upgrades, purchasing a ship decoration will permanently unlock it for the rest of the run until a game over. All ship decorations (with the exception of Cozy lights) can be stored and retrieved from storage by using the terminal.

Players cannot buy multiple of the same furniture/player cosmetics, as evidenced by the terminal saying that you’ve already unlocked it.

Cozy lights

Lethal Company's Store Items

It’s a string of fairy lights that hang on one of the walls of the ship.

This item cannot be moved nor sent to the storage.


  • The cozy lights and ship lights can’t be both on or off at the same time. They automatically turn on when switching off the ship lights, and turn off again when the lights are switched on.
  • When on they emit a dim yellowish light. When off they’re barely visible.

Price: 180

Decoy suit

Lethal Company's Store Items

Decoy Suit is the default of the four suits in Lethal Company. The Decoy Suit is an orange suit that all players will have access to once starting the game. Naturally spawning Masked always wear this Decoy Suit.


  • Suits are entirely cosmetic and offer no gameplay changes.

Purple Suit

Lethal Company's Store Items

Purple Suit is a cosmetic item added in update v47 one of the five suits available in Lethal Company. The Purple Suit changes the suit’s appearance to a purple color. Buying a suit will have it appear in the ship’s wardrobe and everyone on board will be able to wear it. The suits will only be available for the current run. Once the game is over, like other items, you must rebuy it for a new game.


  • Suits are entirely cosmetic and offer no gameplay changes.

Green Suit

Lethal Company's Store Items

Green Suit is a cosmetic item, one of the five suits available in Lethal Company. The Green Suit changes the suit’s appearance to a dark green color. Buying a suit will have it appear in the ship’s wardrobe and everyone on board will be able to wear it. The suits will only be available for the current run. Once the game is over, like other items, you must rebuy it for a new game.


  • Suits are entirely cosmetic and offer no gameplay changes.

Price: 60

Hazard Suit

Lethal Company's Store Items

Hazard Suit is a cosmetic item, one of the five suits available in Lethal Company.
The Hazard Suit changes the suit’s appearance to a neon-yellow color with a nuclear waste warning symbol. Buying a suit will have it appear in the ship’s wardrobe and everyone on board will be able to wear it. The suits will only be available for the current run. Once the game is over, like other items, you must rebuy it for a new game.


  • Suits are entirely cosmetic and offer no gameplay changes.

Price: 90

Pajama Suit

Lethal Company's Store Items

Pajama Suit is a cosmetic item, one of the five suits available in Lethal Company. It is the most expensive item in the store costing 900c. The Pajama Suit changes the suit’s appearance to a light blue color with yellow polka dots. Buying a suit gives you four suits to wear. So, when you pay for the skin, it will appear in the ship’s wardrobe and everyone on board will be able to wear it. The suits will only be available for the current run. Once the game is over, like other items, you must rebuy it for a new game. The suit resembles Fat Pajama Man’s Pajamas from one of Zeekerss’ games The Upturned.


  • Suits are entirely cosmetic and offer no gameplay changes.

Price: 900


Lethal Company's Store Items

Introduced in Update 45. Its name as it’s referenced from the game files as Trent. It is a fishbowl with a singular Goldfish.


Trent must be fed once every quota or else it will die of starvation. Trent can also be overfed and die if he is fed more than twice in a single quota. The fishfood can last for 3 quotas, assuming Trent is fed on schedule.

Trent can also be selected as a target for the Ghost Girl. If you notice that Trent has died randomly, you should probably leave as it indicates that the Ghost Girl has spawned.

It costs an initial 50 credits to purchase, and an additional 25 Credits each time to replace the Goldfish if it has died.

Price: 50

Jack O’ Lantern

Lethal Company's Store Items

It is a pumpkin with a carved grinning face and a candle inside.


  • When interacted with, the pumpkin giggles in a deep voice.
  • Emits a dim light constantly.

Price: 50


Lethal Company's Store Items

A CRT style television that plays company issued safety tips and instructions.


  • You can interact the bottom right corner buttons to switch on and off the television
  • The television will cycle through channels if left on
  • The videos that play on the Television will have an original aspect ratio of 16:9, but will be stretched to 8:7 to fit the screen.

Price: 130

Record Player

Lethal Company's Store Items

It is an old gramophone that emits music when interacted with.

Price: 120

Romantic table

Lethal Company's Store Items

It is a fancy table with a purple tablecloth and a 4-pronged candelabra.


  • You can interact with the candelabra to toggle the candles on and off, emitting a dim light.
  • The candles will emit a constant quiet fire noise while lit.
  • Standing on the candles makes the player outside of the range of the ghost girl kill range.

Price: 120


Lethal Company's Store Items

It is a glass shower with one open side. It has a large showerhead and a mini showerhead, the floor of the shower has a drain.


  • You can interact with the shower head to turn on the water. Creating a shower of water and a sound effect.


  • The shower does not reset your sanity, nor does it make the Ghost Girl re-roll her target.

Price: 180


Lethal Company's Store Items

It is a square wooden table that is light brown.

Price: 70


Lethal Company's Store Items

It is a white toilet.


  • You can interact with the toilet, causing it to make a flushing sound.

Price: 150

Plushie Pajama Man

Lethal Company's Store Items

It’s a small frowning plushie that is black in color, wearing what appears to be Pajama suit.


  • When interacted with, the plushie emits a squeaky sound that does not attract Eyeless Dogs.
  • The Plushie Pajama man is a reference to the “Fat Pajama Man” from “The Upturned”.

Price: 100

Written by Modesty

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