One-armed robber How to Stealth Orbital Bank

If you are wondering how to steal from Orbital Bank without getting caught, you can learn how to hide with the information in our guide.

This is the guide Tony dat Brony it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

How to Stealth the Orbital Bank?

This guide will show you in detail how to stealth in the Orbital bank.


Before you go into the heist, you must be at least level 10.

To successfully stealth it, you’ll need at least one gun with a silencer and a lockpick, the faster the better.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

Step One: Entry

Once you load in, grab your weapons and load a lockpick into one of your duffle bags.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

Once you leave the truck, the best way in will be the side door directly in front of you, you just need to lockpick in.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

Once you enter, past the stairwell on the right is a camera. Destroy it with your silenced weapon. This will alert a guard nearby, which you’ll need to take out as well.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

Take his pager to the check-in station in the stair well before hiding the guards body outside.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

Once you’ve done that, ziptie the civilian behind the white board.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

Walk past him to a set of two doors.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

Walk through them to the security room where you can lockpick in and take out the cameras.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

Head back to the room you came in and pick into the room labled “Office.”

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

In there, you’ll find a keycard. Head back towards the white board and take the hallway on the left for the utility room. In there, turn off the alarms.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

Step Two: The Vault

Head up the stairwell to the second floor. Depending on how fast you finished step one, you may need to wait for a guard to walk down the stairs. He’ll walk into the managers office, then leave, giving you time to sneak in. Once inside, carefully grab the keycard over the civ’s shoulder. If you tie them up a guard will spot them through a window.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

Stash it in your bag with the lockpick, then head to the roof. Run to the door on the other side of the roof and pick in.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

From there, go back down the second floor and wait for the guard to stand next to the civie.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

Run by him, take a right, then a left at the glass hallway onto the balcony overlooking the lobby. Take another left into the hallway before the vault, with two guards and a metal detector.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

Take them out, then the guard in front of the vault.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

Lockpick past the gate, then use the card to open the vault door.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

Step Three: Looting

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

Take everything from the vault and load it onto one of the carts out front.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

You can just toss everything on top, so long as the cart isnt moving when you let it go everything should hold still.

Take everything back the way you came. You can ignore the metal detector, it doesn’t set off the alarm. Once you get back to the door, open it and head straight through to go out the back.

How to stealth the Orbital Bank

Wrap around the front of the bank and wheel the loot into the front. You don’t have to worry about alerting guards too much at this point, you should escape before any cops spawn.

Step Four: Profit

You should make a good 170k in relatively good time, so repeat for infinite money!

Written by Tony dat Brony

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