Dark Quest 3 All Hero Builds & Guide

Welcome to the world of Dark Quest 3, where you will create a party and draw cards, try to defeat the wizard and his magic, there are many heroes and features. In this Dark Quest 3 All Hero Builds guide, you can find detailed information about the heroes and their features in the game.

This is the guide Kane Reynolds it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Dark Quest 3 All Characters Guide

There are 12 Heroes in Dark Quest 3. This Dark Quest 3 All Hero Builds guide will go over a bit of the basics, usefulness, weaknesses, and strategies for each hero.

Choosing a Hero

Hero Guide

You can have 4 heroes during each run. No more, no more or less. Each come with a variety of abilities that can make them a One-And-Done or Powerhouse. The following the criteria each hero is measured:

  • Attack Value: The starting attack value for each hero and body or magic type of damage
  • Starting Health: The starting health for each hero
  • Starting Resistances: Any starting resistances that will reduce a certain damage type. These can increase or be obtained as the game progresses.


Each ability with its in-game description and what the ability will do.


Tips, notes, bugs, and my experience with each hero.


Hero Guide

Attributes: Strength (4), Agility, (7) Intelligence (4), Perception (5)
Attack Value: 1-3 Body (Ranged)
Starting Health: 5 (10 on Easy)
Starting Resistances: None
Starting Hero or Obtained: Starting


  • Critical Strike
  • Double damage every 4 weapon attacks
  • When maxed out, this ability deals double damage every other attack. An icon will appear over the Archer indicating their next attack will trigger the ability. This can be a deadly ability as it deals high amounts of damage. When leveled appropriately, it can kill most non-boss enemies.
  • The attack can still be blocked or evaded.

Surprise Attack

  • At the start of combat, you have a 50% chance to attack an enemy
  • This is free damage at the start of combat before you’ve taken any actions. It supersedes an ambush attack, but not a surprise action from a enemy copy of your hero. If they have this action, they will always go first.
  • Will usually target the weakest enemy.
  • When combined with Lightning Orb, the character hit with the surprise attack will not always be the target of lightning strike.
  • The attack can still be blocked or evaded.

Split Shot

  • Select up to 3 targets, and deal 1-2 body damage (range)
  • Personally, i don’t like this ability. It’s nice to be able to target up to three enemies but the ability has its own damage not derived from your attack, so equipment that boosts base attack will not increase this damage.
  • When maxed out this has potential in areas such as Forrest, Undead Ruins, Mushroom Kingdom, and some enemies in the City since most enemies in the early game will have low to medium health.
  • Does not combine with Lightning Orb, since that equipment only triggers after a basic attack, not a special attack.
  • The attack can still be blocked or evaded.


  • Once every 3 body attacks you will evade
  • Bug/Exploit – Even though the ability says BODY damage, ranged magic attacks and enemies that deal Magic damage in melee can still be evaded.
  • A good ability overall, since it will max out quickly and every other attack against you will be evaded, allowing you to heal and buff the health of other heroes.
  • When activated, your character will move 1 space away from the attacker.
  • Mirror/Enemy heroes will have this ability too, so look for the icon over an enemy Archer’s head and prepare for the next attack against them to miss.


The Archer can quickly be a powerhouse when it comes to range combat. My two recommendations are to take and max out critical strike and/or Surprise Attack. Either being able to deal surprise damage for free at the beginning of each combat, or knowing the next attack you deal will be double damage can be a deadly combination.

Maxing out both Critical Strike and Surprise Attack is fun. If the last attack you made with the Archer was a basic attack, your Surprise Attack next round will be double damage, able to down most creatures up to Chaos Castle.

Although Evasion is good, I rarely use it since at least one fight will put me against a mirror copy of my Archer at least once and I’d rather not deal with that headache.

The Archer’s Agility makes them a good candidate for any party since they will add their Agility to group encounters, and in some areas like the Fire Pits where you can test agility to get free gear.

The Archer makes a great character for any party.


Hero Guide

Attributes: Strength (7), Agility, (4) Intelligence (3), Perception (3)
Attack Value: 2-3 Body (Melee)
Starting Health: 8 (16 in Easy)
Starting Resistances: 1 Armor
Starting Hero or Obtained: Starting


  • Kick
  • Can target small sizes. Deals 1 damage and removes all actions from target
  • Free damage and a minor plus of removing an action from a target, outside of main attack
  • Cannot target creature like Elder Treant, Bone Dragon, King, Horseman, Dragons, etc.

Counter Attack

  • Attacks back one every 3 weapon attacks
  • Must be attacked in melee
  • Begins accumulation every time the barbarian is attacked. An icon will appear overhead when the ability is active an will trigger when attacked.
  • Can be blocked or evaded
  • Bugged – Sometimes I don’t see the ability become active or trigger as it should.

Throw Axe

  • Throws an axe for 2-3 body damage
  • Secondary action outside of main attack, so basically free damage.
  • Unliked a ranged attacker, the barbarian will remain in place when you choose to throw an axe.
  • Can be blocked or evaded
  • Cards that increase all body damage increase this damage

Double Attack

  • Additional attack every 4 attacks
  • Begins accumulation every time the barbarian attacks . An icon will appear overhead when the ability is active an will trigger when attacking.
  • Barbarian will attack the same enemy.
  • Can be blocked or evaded
  • Bugged – Sometimes I don’t see the ability become active or trigger as it should.
  • Barbarian will receive his second attack before an ability such as the Evil Wizard ability that makes him attack a friendly hero after an attack.
  • If Barbarian is mind controlled into attack a fellow hero and this ability is active it will activate and you will attack that friendly hero twice.


Combining higher health than most heroes, a high melee output, and several combat abilities the Barbarian is one of three major melee powerhouses in the game. When attack damage and abilities are maxed out he can very much carry a party further than the City.

Great beginner hero.

Areas like Goblin Caves, Undead Ruins, and City have enemies that can block, so look out for those icons before you choose to attack those characters with the Barbarian.

Giant Valley contains a equipment that adds Strength to damage, and when given to the Barbarian this can lead to some high and deadly melee output.


Hero Guide

Attributes: Strength (6), Agility, (4) Intelligence (6), Perception (5)
Attack Value: 1-2 Magic (Melee)
Starting Health: 4 (8 on Easy)
Starting Resistances: None
Starting Hero or Obtained: Obtained in Mushroom Kingdom


  • Summon Bear
  • Large Unit, 3-4 Health, Deals damage based on health (Melee)
  • Free action, can use before main action.
  • Must be summoned adjacent to an enemy it will attack.
  • Cannot be used alongside Summon Fox. You must choose which you want to summon if you’ve upgraded both.
  • Large unit, cannot attack two creatures at ones if both creatures fit into it’s attacking arc.
  • Useful as a makeshift tank if you summon into a large fray while you’re other heroes sit back and shoot.

Summon Fox

  • 1 Health, 1-2 Magic damage (Melee)
  • Free action, can use before you attack.
  • Must be summoned adjacent to an enemy it will attack.
  • Cannot be used alongside Summon Bear. You must choose which you want to summon if you’ve upgraded both.
  • Only has 1 Health and will die when attacked.

Shapeshift: Tree

  • Large unit, Cannot Attack, +5 Armor, +5 Magic Resistance
  • Uses an action
  • You will gain a boost of Armor and Magic Resistance
  • You cannot attack while shapeshifted, and cannot revert back to Druid form. You stay in that form during combat or until killed.
  • Only action you can take is Move and Stand, which will further boost your armor and magic resistance.
  • If you’ve taken Summon Bear or Fox you can still summon them if they have not yet been summoned.
  • When maxed you gain +20 Armor and Magic Resistance
  • Eh, This has potential but there’s no guarantee the enemy will attack you as a minor distraction while you get the rest of your party ready or attack from a far. It would be better if it was a free action or if you could revert back.


When I use the Druid, I max out his Summon Bear ability early, but upgrade the Druid’s base attack later. Using the Bear is a free attack and good to kill most enemies up to the Dragon or Giant Valley and Chaos Castle.

I don’t use the Fox since the unit’s health is always 1. The fact you can only have one minion is lame, so I usually choose the Bear.

I don’t use the Shapeshift ability. It sounds cool on paper, but it buys you time and that’s about it. There’s no guarantee the enemy will focus on you if you’re hoping to be a distraction. I guess in the last level after you summon your bear you can use this to make yourself a meat shield against the Horsemen or Evil Wizard


Hero Guide

Attributes: Strength (6), Agility, (2) Intelligence (3), Perception (6)
Attack Value: 1-3 Body
Starting Health: 7 (14 on Easy)
Starting Resistances: 1 Armor
Starting Hero or Obtained: Starting


Drink Ale

  • 50% chance to do double damage on your next attack
  • Free Action, does not count toward actions
  • Used one per combat
  • This is good to use as soon as the dwarf attacks in early game, then it just becomes a gamble.
  • I wish it was a small damage boost and a 50% chance to cool-down so it can be used again

Iron Barrel

  • Create a barrel that attracts attention and can take up to 2 hits
  • Free Action, does not count toward actions
  • Can create other barrels but only one per turn
  • Places barrel anywhere in map
  • Best of the barrels in my opinion as it has hits instead of health, so even if a creature with 1 or 10 attack hit it their attack still only counts as one hit.
  • Bug – The description is sort of misleading as it does not appear to attract an enemy, although enemies are more likely to attack something adjacent to it

Spike Barrel

  • Returns back 2-3 body damage when it breaks
  • Free Action, does not count toward actions
  • Can create other barrels but only one per turn
  • Places barrel anywhere in map
  • Breaks after one hit, then damage is dealt
  • Weak, but good for free damage if the AI is dumb enough to attack it.

Exploding Barrel

  • Deals 1 magic damage is a 3×3 area when it breaks
  • Free Action, does not count toward actions
  • Can create other barrels but only one per turn
  • Places barrel anywhere in map
  • Good in theory, but needs to be maxed and combined with items that increase all magic damage.


Iron barrel carries it’s weight, but it’s still circumstantial

Not going to lie, both dwarves are some of my least favorite characters. I like that creating barrels is a free action, but the description that they attack enemies is highly misleading. You can only Drink Ale once per combat. Personally, if I have either dwarf in my party then usually become fodder when I need to sacrifice a character to create a dragon.

Dwarf King

Hero Guide

Attributes: Strength (6), Agility, (3) Intelligence (4), Perception (6)
Attack Value: 1-3 Body (Melee)
Starting Health: 7 (14 on Easy)
Starting Resistances: 1 Armor
Starting Hero or Obtained: Tower of Mirrors



  • Every 3 attacks removes all actions from small and medium size enemies
  • Accumulates every attack until ready then triggers. Hammer icon will appear overhead
  • Can be upgraded to every attack
  • Only affects small and medium targets, so nothing that occupies a 3×3 grid or larger
  • Good ability to tack onto basic attack. Late game can be useful to deal some damage and stun an enemy.

Royal Guard

  • At start of battle summon a guard with 1-2 health and 1 body damage (melee)
  • Summoned minion will appear at the start of combat
  • Due to low health and the fact the minion only uses a basic attack I rarely use this upgrade.

Slam Ground

  • 1 Magic damage on all creatures around you
  • Able to move before using action
  • Deals damage to all around you by 1 space, including friendly heroes
  • Can be upgraded to deal 4-6 magic damage with applicable equipment.
  • Has potential since you want the Dwarf King in melee anyway

Protect the King

  • When attacked once every 3 times commands closest ally to attack
  • Accumulates every time Dwarf King is attacked, will appear overhead when ready
  • Closest ally will attack
  • A slightly weaker version of the Knight’s follow ability that requires you to get hit.
  • Bug – I’ve seen this work once, other times the icon appears overhead but the closest ally does not attack so I can’t give it a fair review


As stated with the Dwarf, I’m not a fan of either Dwarf. I feel what you put into both does not equal what you get out of it. If I had to choose, I’d pick the Dwarf King for his Slam ability. Being able to do damage and stun small and medium enemies is useful even up to Chaos Castle.

Fire Mage

Hero Guide

Attributes: Strength (2), Agility, (3) Intelligence (7), Perception (6)
Attack Value: 1-2 Magic (Ranged)
Starting Health: 4 (8 on Easy)
Starting Resistances: 1 Magic
Starting Hero or Obtained: Obtained in the Fire Pits


Burning Hands

  • Deals 2-3 damage on the target creature
  • Free action, can be used outside of attack
  • Cannot be used same turn as Fireball or Summon Fire Beast, unless you have a potion of Heroism or Rune of Heroism
  • Must target an enemy in melee
  • This ability is great. When maxed out it can deal 8-12 magic damage than can down most non-boss enemies. Since it’s a free action, you can use this at the start of combat before you attack, taking out a large unit or dealing hefty damage to a greater target


  • 1-2 Magic damage on 3×3 targeted area
  • Free action, can be used outside of attack
  • Cannot be used same turn as Burning Hands or Summon Fire Beast, unless you have a potion of Heroism or Rune of Heroism.
  • Does not have to target an enemy enemy unit.
  • Friendly Heroes can be affected by the blast.
  • This ability has potential, but it would be better with the orb obtained in Dragon Valley that increases all magic damage to be good. It would be better if the base damage was slightly higher. Blast damage is good and this is the only blast damage ability in the game but for what you get into it without the magic orb seems lack luster.

Summon Fire Beast

  • 1 Health, 1-2 magic damage
  • Free action, can be used outside of attack
  • Cannot be used same turn as Burning Hands or Fireball, unless you have a potion of Heroism or Rune of Heroism.
  • When summoned, the Fire Beast must be adjacent to an enemy unit which it will attack.
  • Although magic damage is good, the Fire Beast will only ever have 1 health and will die when attacked.


If you’ve taken Burning Hands, use that at the start of combat to deal high damage or take out a large enemy unit before attacking.

All of the Fire Mage’s abilities are secondary actions, so you can use them and then still attack.

Fireball can hurt friendly heroes.

The Fire Mage is the only hero whose minimum attack damage does not increase with each upgrade.

Enemies in the Labyrinth have no base magic resistance, and maxed out Burning Hands can down most minotaur units.


Hero Guide

Attributes: Strength (6), Agility, (2) Intelligence (4), Perception (4)
Attack Value: 2-3 Body (Melee)
Starting Health: 7 (14 on Easy)
Starting Resistances: 1 Armor
Starting Hero or Obtained: Unlocked at Dragon Valley



  • +1 armor and magic resistance to target character
  • Secondary Action, does not count toward actions
  • Armor and Magic resistance will remain until depleted or end of combat
  • A nice ability that can at 1/3/6 armor and resistance to a hero


  • Block a body attack once every 4 attacks
  • Accumulates every time Knight is attack and a shield icon will appear overhead when ready.
  • Will block a body or range attack that deals body damage
  • Bug – Although the Knight cannot attack back after blocking, sometimes I see the enemy doppelganger Knight able to block and attack back.


  • At the start of combat you have a 50% chance to attack an enemy
  • Supersedes enemy actions when triggered, even during ambush
  • Does not count as action
  • Will attack a random enemy in melee
  • Will trigger active ability on target if applicable, such as Counter Attack or Damage when Attacked
  • Still worth it, even if you can trigger an ability or damage yourself
  • Charge can be blocked or evaded
  • Knight will usually target the weakest foe

Follow Me

  • Once every 3 attacks commands to closest ally to attack the same target
  • Accumulates every time Knight attacks and a sword icon will appear overhead when ready.
  • Closest ally has to be able to attack the same target, so if that ally is melee and is closed off this will not trigger
  • Will not trigger if target dies after being attacked, but icon will remain overhead suggesting it’s still active
  • Bug – I don’t always see this trigger even when it should.


The Knight is a good melee hero for one of two builds:

  • Defense/Support – Protection and Block. Use protection on yourself or another hero before sending someone into melee. Block has a better chance of keeping you alive, and the boost from Protection is free armor and magic resistance.
  • Surprise Attack – Charge and Protection. Charge activates at the start of combat so it may as well be free damage unless the enemy blocks or evades.

A solid choice for a melee build even if you have to pump body damage into basic attacks like crazy for the Knight to deal damage.


Hero Guide

Attributes: Strength (2), Agility, (3) Intelligence (6), Perception (6)
Attack Value: 1 Body (Melee), and 1-2 Magic (Any*)
Starting Health: 7 (14 on Easy)
Starting Resistances: 1 Armor and 1 Magic
Starting Hero or Obtained: Frozen Peaks


Inner Light

  • Returns back 1-2 magic damage to anyone who damages you
  • Damage is returned regardless how Lady is damaged ranged or melee, body or magic damage
  • When fully upgraded can kill most smaller minions when they attack Lady
  • Passive ability, always active
  • Returned damage still happens even if Lady dies in the attack.
  • This should be maxed always when you choose Lady in your party. Fully upgrade this before upgrading her main attack.


  • Redirects adjacent weapon attacks to you
  • Passive, always active
  • Adjacent enemies will target and attack Lady in melee if able.
  • Stacks with Inner Light
  • This is good if you want the Lady to always be the target. Make sure you give her some armor first.


  • Enemies adjacent to the Lady take +1 damages from attacks
  • Passive ability, always active
  • This is good to max out since we want the Lady more or less in melee range as it will give her allies a small boost when they attack the same target
  • Affects all ally attacks including basic attack, spells like Lightning Bolt or Burning Hands, Minion Summons, etc.
  • Another really good ability to max out early.

Divine Shield

  • Creates a shield that blocks 1 body hit
  • Secondary action, does not count toward actions. Can attack after.
  • Creates a bubble that will survive a number of hits depending on upgrades
  • Will null damage, then reduce a hit. Once all hits are gone, bubble will vanish
  • An OK defense ability, especially since it’s a secondary action so you could activate this then send a hard hitter into melee or cast on the Lady and send her into combat.
  • Does not stack with Inner Light if used on Lady. Lady needs to take damage for Inner Light to activate. Each hit against Divine Shield nulls damage to 0 each hit.


  • Heals a random ally by 1 when you get attacked by an enemy
  • Passive ability, always active.
  • Random ally can be a friendly hero, minion, or hired mercenary
  • Activates even if Lady is killed in the attack
  • I’m torn on this ability. I wish it could be upgraded to 3 or more since enemies will hit hard late game. It has the potential to increase to 3 if Necklace of Healing is found and equipped.


Another good defensive character, you want the Lady to get into combat especial against weaker minions. The fact that she deals back damage whenever she’s attacked or targeted by a damage ability makes it a good way to kill enemies on their turn.

Upgrade Inner Light first, worry about her attack damage later.

Divine Shield is okay but since it doesn’t stack with Inner Light it just delays when the intended target actually takes damage.

Weaken is really good late game. When fully maxed out, it gives a +6 boost to damage against targets adjacent to her in addiction to anything else the active hero has when attacking.


Hero Guide

Attributes: Strength (4), Agility, (5) Intelligence (4), Perception (4)
Attack Value: 1-2 Body (Melee*)
Starting Health: 6 (12 on Easy)
Starting Resistances: 1 Armor
Starting Hero or Obtained: Obtained in Forest. Found during chance encounter with no rolling or combat necessary.


  • Attack Special
  • 1-2 body damage. Also damages the character behind
  • Only applies to small (hero sized) enemy units.
  • Will not affected creatures occupying 2×2 unless that creature is behind a small enemy unit
  • Can hurt friendly hero if opposite of Lancer, watch where you stand when you Overwhelm


  • Blocks a melee body attack and attacks back every 3 turns
  • Will accumulate when attacked
  • When blocked, Lancer will attack back
  • As with base attack, this can hurt a hero opposite of lancer next to target

Shield Bash

  • Removes all actions from the target. Can target small creatures.
  • Free action, can be used before you attack during a round of combat
  • Upgrading will affect larger targets
  • Does not work against Elder Treant, Bone Dragon, King, most Dragon, Horseman and Evil Wizard.

Break Armor

  • Marks the target. The next attack will deal +1 damage
  • Applied after attacking
  • Enemies that have been marked will have an icon overhead.
  • Bug – The picture of this ability makes it seem like it’s a secondary action, however this is a passive ability


  • At the start of battle summon your sister with 1-2 health and 1-2 body damage (melee)
  • Summoned minion will appear near your heroes at the start of ability.
  • Will have the attack ability of the Lancer.
  • Attacks can hurt heroes if Overwhelming an enemy unity directly opposite of your hero.
  • I don’t use this ability often
  • Will pretty much die after one hit, especially once you reach the City or beyond.


Break Armor is very helpful late game, as you will mark an enemy unit and your allies will deal high damage to that unit. It takes being maxed out and a little setup to be useful, but it’s still good damage.

Shield Bash can be fun. Being able to stun an enemy is useful.

Sisters is not very good late game as they can only attack and use no other abilities.

Sadly, the Lancer is not one of my favorites. Every Hero has the potential to attack a friendly unit, but that’s a user error issue. Not with the Lancer as this unit’s main attack makes them difficult to be the attacker when you Overwhelm the enemy.


Hero Guide

Attributes: Strength (3), Agility, (3) Intelligence (6), Perception (5)
Attack Value: 1 Magic (Melee), and Command (Special)
Starting Health: 5 (10 on Easy)
Starting Resistances: 1 Magic
Starting Hero or Obtained:


  • Command
  • Commands a character to attack one of your enemies
  • Replaces attack action, cannot move if you chose this action
  • Able to use this each turn
  • Must be used on friendly ally
  • Commanded character must be able to attack, so if a melee attack is selected but there is no clear path to an enemy they will not attack and this ability will be wasted.
  • This is the primary reason you’d use Prince, as it gives you a way to potentially use the same hero twice a turn. I like to combine this with a maxed our Bear summoned by the Druid.
  • March
  • Moved the Prince to target location
  • Secondary action, does not count as action.
  • Able to use this each turn
  • Only ability in game that let’s you move and not attack instead of Move and Stand
  • Use this before Command if you are in combat and get the Prince away from enemy units.

Empower Weapons

  • Attacks made from around the Prince gain +1 damage bonus
  • Passive ability, always active.
  • Adjacent allies gain bonus damage regardless if they attack in melee or ranged, body or magic.
  • A good supporting ability and one of two abilities you’d consider when using the Prince.
  • Can stack if empowered ally attacks enemy adjacent to Lady with Weaken.

Armor Aura

  • +1 armor to all allies
  • Passive ability, always active.
  • Armor applied at the start of combat.
  • Lasts until armor points depleted or hero slain.
  • I wish this ability gave more armor. Late game enemy units hit hard and at most this will increase armor by +4 which is okay for early game but not that good late game.

Royal Guard

  • At the start of battle summon a guard with 1-2 health and 1 body damage
  • Summoned minion will appear at the start of combat
  • Due to low health and the fact the minion only uses a basic attack I rarely use this upgrade.


Prince is a supporting hero and is not that good in melee and has no ranged attacks. Upgrade his attack last since you will mainly be using Command.

You will primary use him to buff your other heroes and/or use Command.

Consider sacrificing him if you get a Dark Offer for 2,000 gold or when you need to sacrifice a hero to create an Azure dragon if your trio stands a chance without him.


Hero Guide

Attributes: Strength (6), Agility, (7) Intelligence (1), Perception (3)
Attack Value: 1-3 Body (Melee)
Starting Health: 4
Starting Resistances: 1 Armor
Starting Hero or Obtained: Unlocked in Goblin Caves


  • Bloodthirsty
  • Attack again when you kill character up to 1 time in battle
  • Will activate when an enemy dies from her attack
  • Scavenger will travel to next target and attack
  • Attacks can be blocked or evaded, so that can shut down this ability persisting
  • When maxed this is good in levels like Forest, Mushroom Kingdom, and areas will low block chance and few enemy units with armor. Gobin Caves, Undead Ruins and City, have characters with block which can halt this freight train.

Life Stealer

Once every four attacks heal 1 heath
*Will accumulate after each attack, icon will appear overhead, and activate when applicable
*Applied heal when attacks (or damaged?)
*I don’t use this ability since potions heal far better and even when fully upgraded it doesn’t heal more than 1 health unless combined with Necklace of Healing.


  • Gain 2 damage when you get attacked
  • Will accumulate after each attack, icon will appear overhead, and activate when applicable.
  • Passive ability once active, always active after that.
  • Doesn’t stack with itself, once active it is active.
  • I’ll take this over Life Stealer, but still not a fan. This requires the Scavenger to get hit and take damage. Not great since she’s already squishy.


The Scavenger is very much a one-trick-pony, with the idea being that you will attack and kill several enemies in a round of combat. Once an enemy blocks or evades will halt her progress.

She has low health compared to Barbarian and Knight so unless you give her armor she will be vulnerable.

It’s a gamble to use this character in place in place of Knight, Barbarian, or one of the Dwarves.


Hero Guide

Attributes: Strength (2), Agility, (3) Intelligence (7), Perception (6)
Attack Value: 1-2 Magic (Ranged)
Starting Health: 4 (8 on Easy)
Starting Resistances: 1 Magic
Starting Hero or Obtained: Starting


  • Teleport
  • Instantly moves you to target location
  • Secondary action, does not count as attack
  • Can use once per combat
  • Can use this to move away from combat area
  • You’ll still get to chose to move after you attack
  • Bug/Exploit – I have not seen the enemy AI use this ability


  • 1-2 Magic damage per character on a line. Stuns small units
  • Direction Wizard is facing when using this attack will determine the line
  • All units on line will be affected – friend or foe
  • I don’t use this ability much since enemy placement is random and not geared toward using a line ability effectively.
  • Will not stun creatures like Elder Treant, Bone Dragon, most Dragons, Horseman, King, etc.

Lightning Storm

  • 1-3 magic damage on 3 enemies
  • Three enemies are chosen at random
  • Will only target present enemies (so if there is only one target, that will be the one target, two enemies will be two targets, etc.)
  • One of few abilities that can inadvertently target invisible enemies
  • Effective against most enemies without magic resistance
  • This ability is great because it hits three enemies, albeit randomly selected. When maxed out that can be three killed enemies if used correctly.


  • You cannot be targeted by cards. Deal +1 damage on your next attack
  • You become invisible at the start of combat and cannot be targeted by attacks and abilities that target a single hero
  • You can still be hit by enemies attacks such as Fireball and Lightning Bolt if fighting enemy heroes have those abilities
  • You can still be damaged if attacked by a larger target and you fall within the attack creature’s arc next to an adjacent hero
  • Once you attack or use a damage dealing ability you are no longer invisible
  • When using the Minotaur Rune which makes a random hero attack at the start of combat, if the wizard is chosen it will deactivate invisibility but you still get the bonus for your attack.
  • Anti-magic
  • 1 magic resistance to all allies. 2 for yourself
  • Bonus resistance is gained at the start of each combat
  • Great defensive ability, especially during Chaos Castle


The Wizard is a magic powerhouse and can be played several different ways:

  • Tornado – This can be good against mob heavy areas like Goblin Caves, City, Undead ruins but unless the ability is maxed out it won’t be very affective during Chaos Castle
  • Stealth – Invisibility prevents you from being attacked and targeted, then when you attack you get bonus damage.
  • Lightning – This is my preferred Wizard type. Randomly targeting enemies may seem ineffective, but when maxed out it has the potential to down three enemies for the price of one attack.

Although squishy, the Wizard’s Intelligence will add to the ground during group intelligence encounters.

Enemies in the Labyrinth have no magic resistance, and maxed out lightning can down most minotaur units.

Great beginner hero.


Surprise Attacks – Both the Knight and Archer have abilities with a 50% (or 100% chance if maxed out) to attack before the enemy during a new combat. This happens even during an ambush. However, doppelganger heroes will have this ability too, and their surprise attacks will initiate first.

Create Minions – Druid, Fire Magic, Dwarf King, Lancer, and Prince can all create minions. Druid and Fire Magic must use a free action to summon theirs into combat, but the Lancer, Dwarf King, and Prince can create minions with a small attack value and some health at the start of combat. Although minions do max out if you chose the upgrades right, a few extra bodies in the fight never hurt you and increases the chance to Overwhelm the enemy.

Magic Devastation – Wizard and Fire Mage have spells that are free damage with high output. Lightning Strike hits three random targets and has potential to hit invisible foes. Fireball does blast damage, and Burning Hands deals high damage output to one target.

Minion Slayers – Lancer, Archer, Lady, and Scavenger are great for picking off weaker enemies in the early game. The Lancer can attack the enemy directly behind the target if the first is a small creature. The Archer has Surprise Attack and Split Shot which can target 3 foes instead of one. Lady deals retaliation damage when attacked. The Scavenger can be upgraded to attack again after it kills an enemy unit.

Written by Kane Reynolds

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