Town of Salem 2 Interactable Decorations List

Hello from our Town of Salem 2 Interactable Decorations List guide. Work in progress guide of purchasable items that have an [E] interaction prompt. Helpful for people who want a nice place with their game money but aren’t sure what’ll spice up their habitat/future crime scene.

This is the guideĀ Whitty it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Town of Salem 2 Interactable Decorations List

Welcome to our Town of Salem 2 Interactable Decorations List guide. This guide will show you detailed information about list of interactable decoration items in the game!

List of Interactables Decorations

All items I’ve seen that have an [E] function; so far there doesn’t seem to be exterior items that can be interacted with, just interior wall and corner decorations. List will expand as I play/comments pitch in.

[Corner] BedCharacter sleeps in it
[Corner] CoffinOpens and closes
[Corner] Candle StandCandles can be lit
[Corner] StoveTurns on
[Wall] Mystic’s TableCandles light
[Wall] Stone StovePot will start glowing
[Wall] TorchTorch can be lit
[Wall] CandlesCandles can be li


Items that have no interaction currently:

  • [Corner] Alchemist’s Cabinet
  • [Corner] Bookshelf
  • [Corner] Piano
  • [Corner] Pirate DLC Treasure Chest
  • [Corner] Pub Table
  • [Corner] Small Bookshelf
  • [Corner] Teleporter
  • [Corner] Thanksgiving Dinner
  • [Corner] Wardrobe
  • [Corner] Wooden Bench
  • [Wall] Eternal Harvest
  • [Wall] Midnight Justice
  • [Wall] Pumpkin
  • [Wall] Shelf

TBD: Corner Items:

  • Blood Moon Totem
  • Hex Totem
  • Book Table
  • Grandfather Clock
  • Chess Table
  • Globe
  • Suit of Armor
  • Desk
  • Alchemist’s Table
  • Pumpkin (of the corner variety)
  • Bench (the red one)
  • Sofa (ditto)
  • Candle Nightstand
  • Book Nightstand
  • Mysterious Skulls
  • Snow Totem
  • Telescope
  • Drink Table

Wall Items:

  • Skull
  • Lion’s Maw
  • Divine Retribution
  • Fury of Heaven
  • Mirror Breaker
  • Cross
  • Lamp
  • Lion’s Crest
  • Safe
Written by Whitty

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