The Immortal Mayor Beginner Guide

Hello from our The Immortal Mayor Beginner Guide. So you wish to be an Immortal? Below you will find information vital to your success. Check out our guide now for details!

This is the guide archenstone it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

The Immortal Mayor Beginner Guide

Welcome to our The Immortal Mayor Beginner Guide. An in depth guide going over everything from basic to advanced gameplay with strategic suggestions at the end.

Pregame Options

Future location for explanation of menu options to choose from prior to start

Game Play Basics

Understanding the Gui

A detailed beginner's guide to The Immortal Mayor

Top Section

Most items on the top bars have an expanded menu or English descriptor if you hover your mouse over them.

On the far left you have your Divine Rank. As you gain believers and overcome challenges this will increase. Your believer count is displayed just below it. The number of believers generally goes up but can decrease when villagers die. To the right of your believer count is a Prayer symbol [two hands together] with a number. The higher this number, the faster you will gain followers.

Across the top from Left to Right are the numbers for your resources such as Food, Stone, Metal, etc. Below this in the black bar you will see data for Population, Year, Season, and a descriptor for what part of the season it is. You also have your controls for speed with the selected speed circled in gold. You can pause the game with space bar in most circumstances but some menus will block it. Lastly there is a star symbol with a bar to represent Security and a Rice bowl to represent Nutrition. Green means good, yellow needs improvement, red is poor.

On the far upper right corner are four symbols. The house will center your view to the Shrine. The Document is a log. Question mark is a basic guide and the three dots with lines is the settings.

Just below the black bar with be green, blue or purple symbols when you have buffs from you god cards, Deity Friends, Wonders, Unique Statues and events.

Bottom Section

On the bottom bar you have 9 options that have an image and title.

  • Building: Has all your blueprints, road, and priority harvesting controls
  • Decoration: All things made in your crafty house. This menu has a plus sign to expand on the right which reveals a filture.
  • Divinity: This takes you to pages where you can give statues to other gods as a way of befriending them
  • Disaster Shop: This takes you to pages where you can buy various things like new tech, blueprints, single use abilities etc etc with Disaster Points
  • Divinity: This opens up to your power cards and shows a bar that fills up over time. If you have enough energy and are not at max cards you can draw a new one.
  • Professions: Opens a small list with all professions and unassigned villagers [if any]. You can limit how many workers you have for the different buildings here and increase the limit back to normal
  • Technology: This opens a new page with multiple tabs for all of your tech.
  • Collection: Displays information about Wonders and their buffs as well as other things.
  • Stats: Opens to a give overview of your town’s status and lets you look at other data such as people’s age and training

City Placement

When you first enter the map you will have a button on the bottom of the screen. Before clicking it take a look around. Make note of resource nodes, the bigger deposits of iron, rock and soul stones will be helpful to you, There are also ruins on the map. These can not be accessed until you reach mid game so you may want them relatively close but you don’t need them to be your main priority.

When you click the button a highlighted circle will appear on the map. This is for your shrine placement which begins your city. If you are starting near valuable resources try to keep them out of the highlighted area as all resources in it will disappear. Don’t worry about trees. All trees cap at 30 resources. In fact, placing your city over a bunch of trees with free space around outside will make early expansion easier.

If your game is set up to spawn monsters you will want some distance between your city and the spawner. Mountains can be leveraged as a natural barrier, forcing the monsters to funnel around or between them. You will still need walls behind the mountains or the monsters will run between gaps.

Mountains can be destroyed by the divine lightning cards which can be useful if you want a large clear area for expanding.

Relatively close to water is good as well as one of the early techs you will unlock is fishing. Fishing becomes important quickly for a meat source as hunting becomes less productive.

Getting Resources

Resources are broken up into 12 categories. After you build the respective buildings for wood, stone and ore you can set priority areas for your workers. Below is each one with the primary ways of obtaining them

  • Food: Farming, Hunting, Fishing
  • Wood: Lumberjack
  • Stone: Quarry
  • Ore: Mine
  • Textiles: Cotton and Fur
  • Clothing: Tailor using cotton or fur
  • Tools: Blacksmith using wood, stone and ore
  • Medicine: Herbs farmed then Doctor crafting Medicine
  • Offerings: Incense Tree farmed then Incense Maker crafts Incense Sticks
  • Soul Stones: Gathered from blue gems on the map
  • Exotics/Rarities: Trading at market, mid to late game techs, exploration
  • Elixir: Several materials for late game Ascension and related items

Wood, Stone and Ore are needed for building. Tools and Clothing are needed for your villagers to be more efficient and happy. Naturally, without food they will starve and die.

Getting Food

Farming is your primary source of food. At first it is Wheat which will not grow in Winter. To keep free villagers for other jobs you can preset your starting farms to have 1 farmer each. Hunting provides monster flesh and fishing can be done at the water once the tech is unlocked.

Getting more villagers

There are two methods of population cap in the game. The first one is built into your levels as a God. The second involves your houses. If your villagers do not have enough housing or there is no room for children in the homes they can not breed. Both caps can be slightly worked around by using God Powers to bring in people to the village.


You need roads connected to most buildings for them to function. This includes bridges built over the water. Like some people, if there is room between your buildings the villagers will cut across grass. Roads are faster to move on though so if placed well your villagers will use them.


Soul Stones are used for unlocking all the primary tech you need to succeed. There are also some unique unlocks in the Disaster menu

Disaster Points

As you defend yourself from Monsters or level up you will obtain Disaster Points. These can be spent in their own menu for additional tech or blueprints that are helpful but not directly needed. They can also purchase small bonuses to help you overcome difficulties or Shrine offerings to give to other Deities

Deity System

There are multiple gods with unique benefits and boons. How you gift them affects their moods and unlocks powerful buffs to help your town grow and survive disaster.

Status symbols on Buildings

A detailed beginner's guide to The Immortal Mayor
  • Clock: No one works here
  • Full Cart: Inventory of building is full. Workers will be idle
  • Gear Symbol with tool: Needs repair
  • Broken House: Building is broken and no longer functions

God Cards Overview

In the beginning you start out with basic powers you can use as the God Mayor of your town. These powers are defined by cards you pull. As people pray at the Shrine you will accumulate faith in the power bar. Each time it fills it will display a number and start over until you reach x10. When you go to select a power several cards will be pulled randomly for you to select from. You can hold a max of 10 power cards in your hand. The power bar caps at x10 as well so it is beneficial to use cards and pull new ones before this cap is met.

You are not the only Deity in this world however and as you befriend Deities you will unlock other powers you can activate. This will add other powers you can draw cards for. The basic powers will always be on your active list.

Gather Resources

This card will auto gather all resources except soul stones in the highlighted area you select. There will be some resources lost so be careful doing this to areas with large stone or iron deposits. All gathered resources are added to a little supply box the villagers can grab from to use or store.

Introduce Stragglers

This card introduces new children to the Town

Move Building

You can relocate any building by using this card. This can be useful if you realize that your layout is not optimal or if you need to move resource collecting buildings further out of town. If you have towers but no walls yet during a monster raid, this can be used to relocate towers to parts of the map that need reinforcement.

Move Resources

You can move individual resources with this card. It’s useful for getting little bits of resources out of the way of your path building, bringing clusters of soul stones close to your Soul Stone Harvesters or even for adding supplies directly into an unfinished building to reduce construction time. Just keep in mind that if you grab more than what is needed for a building you will loose any excess.

Accelerate Growth

This card immediately raises a child to adult. This can be useful if you don’t have enough workers or if your population ratio is not good. Children who grow up can no longer go to school however so try to do this with moderation as skilled workers have better efficiency for their jobs.



Tech Tree


Disaster Menu Items


Building Overview


This is your main building. In the beginning you will start with some resources here and it can be used for storage. Your villagers pray here and for the first several levels of your Godhood it is the only place to pray at. So try to keep buildings close to it. It also provides a moderate buff to buildings nearby.

As you befriend other Gods you can unlock new layout pieces for your shrine. Many of these provide bonuses to help you succeed. They will cost some resources to add.


The simple house is where your villagers live and in the beginning they must go home to eat. At first there is only room for 3 villagers but by making use of buffs from other buildings and decorations this can be increased to 5.

Houses benefit from decorations that provide Aesthetics, Commerce, Scenery, Delicacy, and Blessing


While all villagers building can gather resources the lumberyard lets you dedicate people to collecting wood which is important for clearing areas to build in, providing wood to several other buildings that produce supplies and for building up stock in wood for large projects such as Wonders.


The farm can be sized up to a 10×10 block on clear ground. At first you can only make wheat but you will unlock other vital produce through tech and others via trading at the market. Each farm takes up to 2 farmers and crops have various weather requirements for growth. Idle farmers will help on other farms that are in the planting or harvesting phase or assist with building. The larger the farm, the more you can get at harvest.

  • Quarry
  • Mine
  • School
  • Crafty House
  • Deity Shrines
A detailed beginner's guide to The Immortal Mayor
A detailed beginner's guide to The Immortal Mayor




Once you build the Crafty House you can have villagers make new decorations. At first you can only build small ones but through tech upgrades you can unlock larger decorations. Bigger decorations cover a wider area.

Each decoration will provide a bonus to at least one of the following: Stability, Prosperity

Positive and Negative traits


Tips and Strategy


Written by archenstone

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