Devil May Cry 5 – Red Orbs Without Money

Red Orbs Without Money

In this guide I’ll explain to you how you can get 1.000.000 Red Orbs in just about 7 Minutes and for free.

What do you have to do?

I just tested it on Demon Hunter mode – so here’s a what to do:

1. Choose Demon Hunter Mode – Mission 13
2. Jump down to the third floor
3. Equip Dr. Faust and Gunslinger
4. Jump to the 4th Floor and spam the Gunslinger Action


  • Dr. Faust
  • Dr. Faust 2
  • Dr. Faust 3
  • Dr. Faust 4
  • Gahter more Orbs (Don’t know the english name of the Ability)

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