Half Life MMod Complete Guide

You will need a lot of information when you start playing Half-Life: MMod. We have prepared a guide for all your needs! This Guide will walk you through Half-Life: MMod, how to reach any point in the game, any weapon, item and console commands. Start reviewing our Half Life MMod Complete guide without wasting your time!

Half Life MMod Complete Guide

Welcome to our Half Life MMod Complete Guide. Developed by Gunship MK 2, MMod is a free, fan made modification for Half-Life aiming to refine player’s arsenal and further expand player’s combat options. Featuring AI tweaks, VFX and SFX overhaul in spirit of original, additional weapon functionality and bug fixes, while keeping most changes optional.

Half-Life follows Theoretical Physicist Gordon Freeman as he arrives late to Sector C Test Facilities for an experiment. The test goes wrong causing dimensional beings to flood the Black Mesa Research Facility killing and turning personnel into Zombies while fighting off the Military to escape and survive as he makes his way to Lambda Complex on the other side of the Facility to close the portal and save Earth.


  • sv_cheats 1 – Enables Cheats
  • God – Invincibility
  • Noclip – Fly through walls
  • Impulse 101 – Gives all weapons
  • Impulse 102 – Gives the HEV Suit
  • Impulse 200 – Removes Items
  • Notarget – NPC’s ignore you
  • Maps * – Shows list of maps
  • map “map name” – loads the desired map Note you will load with no weapons or suit
  • Restart – restarts the current map
  • Disconnect – Ends your SP or MP session
  • Developer 1 – Enables Dev mode / 0 disables
  • Dev_overview 1 – Enables top down view of the current map / 0 disables
  • fps_override 1 – Overrides the FPS limit / 0 disables
  • fps_max – Lets you set the FPS limit
  • give weapon_ – Gives weapon of choice
  • give item_ – Gives item of choice
  • Chase active_1 – Thirdperson over the shoulder / 0 disables
  • Thirdperson – Play in Thirdperson!
  • Firstperson – Play the default perspective
  • gl_texturemode gl_nearest – Turns off Texture filtering
  • Default_fov – Set Viewmodel Distance (Default is 90, while 106 is the correct Ratio for 16:9-1080p.
    I reccomend 110 for 1440p)
  • hud_draw 1 – Turns on HUD while 0 turns it off
  • violence_agibs 1
  • violence_ablood 1
  • violence_hblood 1
  • violence_hgibs 1
    These 4 can enable the Violence and Blood for NPC’s. 0 Disables it

Will add more!

Windowed Borderless

To play Half-Life in Windowed Borderless:

Half-Life > Properties > Launch Options

-windowed -noborder

After this, launch the game and enjoy!

This also works for all GoldSrce and Source games like Sven Co-op or Team Fortress 2.

Texture Filtering

To achieve the OG 1998 Textures (which are the better way to play Half-Life) simply type this into the console

gl_texturemode gl_nearest gl_ansio "0" gl_round_down "0"

To keep it consistent, create a userconfig.cfg file with this and place it into the “valve” folder inside your Half-Life Directory. Keep a backup in case you want to remove it.


To play the Default Steam way put this instead

gl_texturemode gl_linear_mipmap_linear

Half Life MMod Chapters

CH0 – Uplink
  • hl1demo1
  • hl1demo2
  • hl1demo3
CH1 – Black Mesa Inbound
  • c0a0
  • c0a0a
  • c0a0b
  • c0a0c
  • c0a0d
  • c0a0e
CH2 – Anomalous Materials
  • c1a0
  • c1a0d
  • c1a0a
  • c1a0b
  • c1a0e
CH3 – Unforseen Consequences
  • c1a1a
  • c1a1f
  • c1a1b
  • c1a1c
  • c1a1d
CH4 – Office Complex
  • c1a2
  • c1a2a
  • c1a2b
  • c1a2c
  • c1a2d
CH5 – “We’ve Got Hostiles”
  • c1a3
  • c1a3a
  • c1a3b
  • c1a3c
  • c1a3d
CH6 – Blast Pit
  • c1a4
  • c1a4k
  • c1a4b
  • c1a4f
  • c1a4d
  • c1a4e
  • c1a4i
  • c1a4g
  • c1a4j
CH7 – Power Up
  • c2a1
  • c2a1a
  • c2a1b
CH8 – On A Rail
  • c2a2
  • c2a2a
  • c2a2b1
  • c2a2b2
  • c2a2c
  • c2a2d
  • c2a2e
  • c2a2f
  • c2a2g
  • c2a2h
CH9 – Apprehension
  • c2a3
  • c2a3a
  • c2a3b
  • c2a3c
  • c2a3d
  • c2a3e
CH10 – Residue Processing
  • c2a4
  • c2a4a
  • c2a4b
  • c2a4c
CH11 – Questionable Ethics
  • c2a4d
  • c2a4e
  • c2a4f
  • c2a4g
CH12 – Surface Tension
  • c2a5
  • c2a5w
  • c2a5x
  • c2a5a
  • c2a5b
  • c2a5c
  • c2a5d
  • c2a5e
  • c2a5f
  • c2a5g
CH13 – “Forget About Freeman!”
  • c3a1
  • c3a1a
  • c3a1b
CH14 – Lambda Core
  • c3a2e
  • c3a2
  • c3a2a
  • c3a2b
  • c3a2c
  • c3a2d
  • c3a2f
CH15 – Xen
  • c4a1
CH16 – Gonarch’s Lair
  • c4a2
  • c4a2a
  • c4a2b
CH17 – Interloper
  • c4a1a
  • c4a1b
  • c4a1c
  • c4a1d
  • c4a1e
  • c4a1f
CH18 – Nihilanth
  • c4a3
CH19 – Endgame
  • c5a1

Half Life MMod Weapons & Items

  • Crowbar – give weapon_crowbar
  • Glock – give weapon_glock
  • Revolver – give weapon_357
  • MP5 – give weapon_mp5
  • Shotgun – give weapon_shotgun
  • Crossbow – give weapon_crossbow
  • RPG – give weapon_rpg
  • Gauss Rifle – give weapon_gauss
  • Gluon Gun – give weapon_egon
  • Hive Hand – give weapon_hornetgun
  • Displacer – give weapon_displacer
  • Grenade – give weapon_handgrenade
  • Satchel Charge – give weapon_satchel
  • Tripwire Grenade – give weapon_tripmine
  • Snark – give weapon_snark
  • give ammo_9mmclip
  • give ammo_357
  • give ammo_glockclip
  • give ammo_9mmbox
  • give ammo_crossbow
  • give ammo_Egonclip
  • give ammo_gaussclip
  • give ammo_9mmAR
  • give ammo_RPGclip
  • give ammo_buckshot
  • give ammo_ARgrenades
  • give ammo_mp5grenades
  • HEV Suit – give item_suit
  • HEV Health – give item_healthkit
  • HEV Battery – give item_battery
  • HEV Long Jump Module – give item_longjump
Written by Gloveman

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