Welcome to our Dark Nights Walkthrough & Guide. This guide will show you step-by-step walkthrough, including where to save.
Dark Nights Walkthrough
This guide will show you step-by-step walkthrough, including where to save.
Kurato Route
-Guest room
-The living room
-Save 1
-Investigate the noise
-Save 2
-Offer my help
-Grab the gun
-Talk with her
-Save 3
-Blace, maybe?
-Come up with an excuse
-before time runs out “Go up” (Achievement 29. Man in the Black)
– Save 4
-Let it be Kaichi
-Stay idle
-Inspect your desk
You have received Romantic End and achievement 15. Sugar, spice and everything is nice
-Load “Save 4”
-I hope it is Blace
-Try confusing him
-Inspect the chalkboard
-Flip page 144
You have received Normal End and achievement 16. Beauty and the Bunny
-Load “Save 2”
-Investigate the noise
-Kick him.
You have received Death End 1 and achievement 13. Lame Death End
-Load “Save 3”
-Both, i guess (Achievement 28. Sorry, they are just side characters)
-Tell him he shouldn’t go this way
-Let time run out
-I hope it is Blace
-Grab his sleeve
You have received Death End 2 and achievement 14. Starting over for some reason
Zeikun Route
-Go left
-Save 5
-Stay home
-About those who have gone missing
-Don’t chase after it (U got: 19.Unintentional Seducion)
-Report it
-Something is on my mind
-Go study
-Find documents for research
-Save 6
-Before time is up “Right”
-Before time is up “Left”
-Before time is up “Right” (U got: 17. Survived the Walking Dead)
-Hold Zeikun back
-I’ll wait here
-Drag him out
-Save 7
-Yes, if many lives are saved.
You have received Romantic End and achievement 7.A new religion
-Load “Save 7”
-No, I wouldn’t do that.
You have received Normal End and achievement 8.They’re all gone
-Load “Save 6”
-Let time run out
You have received Death End 1 and achievement 5. Hero with an umbrella
-Load “Save 7”
-Haha, that’s a silly question
You have received Death End 2 and achievement 6.Haha, isn’t sacrifice silly?
Sachiro Route
-We should go during the day.
-Admit to being scared.
-Ask what he would like.
-Save 8
-Tell Sachiro what I found.
-Leave him alone.
-Try to save Sachiro.
-Save 9
-Duh, of course.
-Tell him what you’ve experienced.
-Lioji (U got too: 25.What’s with the all horror in this route?)
-Save 10
-…pull this thing off myself.
-Do not look (U got: 26.Too much steam for today.)
-It could have turned out better
You have received Romantic End and achievement 11.Will u take the white or black rose?
-Load “Save 8”
-Ignore it.
-Study with him.
-Do nothing.
-Duh, of course.
-Keep it for yourself.
-Ikuya (She has such a nice house. 🙂
-…beg Sachiro for help.
-Take a look.
-Forget what happened.
You have received Normal End and achievement 12. We part again after this anyway lol
-Load “Save 9”
You have received Death End 1 and achievement 9.I should have lied
-Load “Save 10”
-…pull Sachiro scarf.
You have received Death End 2 and achievement 10.No face.
Junoru Route
-Take his word
-I want to know him better.
-Save 11
-Where do you live?
-It’s too dangerous.
-He can take care of himself. (U got: 22.Opening theme Piano ver.)
-Kick him. (U got: 23. Always violent)
-Help him by himself.
-You shouldn’t take revenge.
-Save 12
-Kill me then!
-Tell him the truth.
-I’m sorry you’ve gone so through much.
-Save 13
-I need to stop them.
You have received Romantic End and achievement 3. Lonely girl meets loney guy
-Load “Save 11”
-Do you have any sibiling?
-What if someting happens to you? (U got: 24.Complicated Siblings)
-Make sure is he aright.
-Do nothing.
-Help him by himself.
-You should take revenge for your brother.
-Kill me then!
-Agree to his request.
-Nevermind. (U got: 24. Scrapped story draf)
You have received Normal End and achievement 4. Is this a NORMAL ending???
-Load “Save 12”
-Ju, run!
You have received Death End 1 and achievement 1. Not like Romeo and Juliet
-Load “Save 13”
-I should not interfere.
You have received Death End 2 and achievement 2. I SAW it coming.
Other Achievements
-Load “Save 1”
-Stay in Bed
Continue to the next selection to unlock all illustrations and learn more about the stories
You have Achievement 27.Going for safe option
-Load “Save 5”
-Go to the library.
-Why are u wearing a gasmask? (U got:18.The smell of death )
-Chase after it
-Report it
-Something is on my mind
-Go study
-Look for personal belongings
-Before time is up “Right”
-Before time is up “Left”
-Before time is up “Right”
-Hold Chain back
-I want to go with you
-Yell at him
-Go to the moment you unlock the achievement
You have Achievement 20.This is so cute