Eldritch University Walkthrough

Welcome to our Eldritch University Walkthrough & Achievement Guide. This guide will show you everything you need. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Eldritch University game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Eldritch University guide.

Eldritch University Walkthrough & Achievement Guide

This guide will show you everything you need.


  • Start a new game.
  • I miss our high school days.
  • Save 1
  • Have a date with Misaki.
  • Save 2
  • Hide in the bathroom.
  • It’s harmless.
  • Save 3
  • I should see if Watanabe is free.
  • I trust Misaki.
  • I should stay quiet…
  • Save 4
  • Wait for it to pass.
  • Save 5
  • She’s doing what she can. She didn’t have to stick with me.
  • Save 6
  • I love Misaki too much.
  • I could use a happy distraction…
  • Save 7
  • I can’t trust this monster.
Eldritch University | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
Eldritch University | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
Complete the Devotion ending.Eldritch University | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide

  • Load Save 7
  • I have to do it for her sake…
Eldritch University | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
Eldritch University | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
Complete the Sacrifice ending.
  • Load Save 6
  • “Only tonight, okay?”
Eldritch University | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
Eldritch University | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
Complete the Betrayed ending.
  • Load Save 5
  • She hasn’t done enough. Can’t she see I’m scared?
  • I love Misaki too much.
  • I want Misaki. I love her.
  • I can’t trust this monster.
Eldritch University | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
Eldritch University | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
Complete the Reconciliation ending.
  • Load Save 4
  • Fight it.
Eldritch University | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
Eldritch University | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
Complete the Consumed ending.	
  • Load Save 3
  • I need to get to the bottom of what Miss Kouki said to Suzuki.
  • Reach next choice, then scroll up to return to previous choice.
  • Maybe I could talk to Hirose about that ghost case she mentioned.
  • Reach next choice, then quit to title screen.

  • Load Save 2
  • Keep running down the stairs.
Eldritch University | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
Eldritch University | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
Complete the Supplanted ending.
  • Load Save 1
  • Go hang out with my friends.
  • Sing the song with Hinata.
  • Quit to title screen.
Eldritch University | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
Eldritch University | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide
Nightmare Syndrome
Complete all endings, view all scenes, and unlock all bonus features.

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