Gris Achievements Guide

Chapter 1 – Prologue
Chapter 2 – Desert
Chapter 3 – Forest
Chapter 4 – Water Depths
Chapter 5 – UpsideDown
Chapter 6 – End

Gris Story Achievements

Those achievements are obtained by simply playing the game.

Red / Complete chapter 1
Green / Complete chapter 2
Blue / Complete chapter 3
Yellow / Complete chapter 4
The End / Complete the game

Gris Level Achievements

These achievements are specific tasks to complete in each chapter.
You will often need some little backtracking to complete them.

gris achievements 1 Sandstorm / In chapter 2, don’t get pushed off by the sandstorm

gris achievements 2 Inuksuit / In chapter 2, destroy every little stone statues

gris achievements 3 Apples / In chapter 3, help the forest friend to eat every apples

gris achievements 4 Eel / In chapter 4, avoid every attack from the giant eel (mashing A seemed like a viable technique)

gris achievements 5 Magic fowls / In chapter 5, sing to every magic fowls


(I might add some real informations on how to get every Mementos if I still have some motivation)

gris achievements 6 Mementos / Collect every mementos

gris achievements 7 Childhood / Select the last chapter, your characters starts on a little dome, get to one side and search for the broken wall to enter a secret room. After getting every mementos, sing here.


You will need to find secret rooms or do specific actions to get those.

gris achievements 8 Denial / At the very beginning of the game, go right until you can move freely, then come back to the left and find a statue. Let your character fall and get up from herself.

gris achievements 9 Anger / In the black & white area of chapter 2, slam the 3 fragile statues. (don’t slam for nothing or you will get ejected!)

gris achievements 10 Bargaining / After some big red bird jumps, you will face a statue, press B to (try to) sing in front.

gris achievements 11 Depression / During the water chapter, in the big area where you need to have 6 stars, head to the bottom and search to the left, you will find a statue and get the achievement.

gris achievements 12 Acceptance / During the final sequence, just after getting to the surface of the black water, sing in front of the tomb.

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