Project Eagle – Life on Mars Achievement, Astronaut Locations

All the astronauts you need to find for the “Life on Mars” Achievement.

[su_note note_color=”#64656b” text_color=”#fbfbfb”]Note: While the achievement shows a counter of 10, it’s actually only 5 astronauts.[/su_note]

I actually made it with just one Astronaut. I got frustrated trying to find them and tried to come up with another way. I thought maybe just maybe this might work. I pressed restart and found my one Astronout again. DING! I had 2, but then the game then told me I had to find 10 not 5. But I did not lose my faith. I pressed restart again, found the Astronaut and DING! 3 and now I had to find 15. Again! Again! And DING, CONGRATULATIONS!

Life on Mars Astronaut Locations


Life on Mars Achievement Astronaut Locations 1

Launch Facility

Life on Mars Achievement Astronaut Locations 2

Near the Dome and Condo Blocks

Life on Mars Achievement Astronaut Locations 3

On top of a Condo Block

Life on Mars Achievement Astronaut Locations 4

Landing Zone 01

Life on Mars Achievement Astronaut Locations 5

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