XCOM 2 Cheats – Console Commands
Welcome to our XCOM 2 Cheats and also Console Commands overview. Where we will provide you with all the cheats offered in the game, consisting of innovations, products, sources, God Setting …
Enable Console
Type -allowconsole -log -autodebug in the XCOM 2 ´ s launch choices. While playing simply press ~ to open up the console as well as kind the console command or cheat you desire:
General Commands
- No Damage – TakeNoDamage: Only No Damage
- God Mode – PowerUp: No Damage but also infinite ammo and no reload required
- Force Critical Hits – ForceCritHits:
- Reveal the map – Togglefow: But enemies remain hidden
- Restart level – RestartLevel:
- Heal All Soldiers – HealAllSoldiers: But only in Avenger
- Level Up Barrack – LevelUpBarracks X: Instead of X type the number of levels you want to level up
- Infinite AP – ToggleUnlimitedActions: But for enemy AI also
- Skip AI – Skip AI
- Hide Squad –ToggleSquadConcealment: But enemy still alerted
- Teleport to cursor – TTC: But just the selected unit
- Teleport all to cursor – TATC: But all the units
- Give Technology –GiveTech [Tech Name]
Tech Names
There are several Tech Names, and we divide them in:
Weapons Tech:
- ModularWeapons
- MagnetizedWeapons
- GaussWeapons
- PlasmaRifle
- HeavyPlasma
- PlasmaSniper
- AlloyCannon
- Tech_Elerium
- Psionics
- HybridMaterials
- PlatedArmor
- EXOSuit
- SpiderSuit
- PoweredArmo
- WraithSuit WARSuit
- AlienBiotech
- AutopsySectoid
- AutopsyViper
- AutopsyMuton
- AutopsyBerserker
- AutopsyArchon
- AutopsyGatekeeper
- AutopsyAndromedon
- AutopsyFaceless
- AutopsyChryssalid
- AutopsySectopo
- AutopsyAdventTrooper
- AutopsyAdventStunLancer
- AutopsyAdventShieldbearer
- AutopsyAdventTurret
- AutopsyAdventMEC
Proving Groung Projects:
- Skulljack
- ExperimentalAmmo
- ExperimentalGrenade
- ExperimentalArmor
- Bluescreen
- BattlefieldMedicine
- PlasmaGrenade
- AdvancedGrenades
- Skullmining
- HeavyWeapons
- AdvancedHeavyWeapons
Give Resource / Add Item – XCOM 2 Console Commands
giveresource [resourcename] X, Where X is the quantity, requieres you already have the item. additem [resourcename] X, Where X is the quantity, you dont need the item
Give Resource examples
- Spider Suit – giveresource LightPlatedArmor X, where X is the quantity
- Predator Suit – giveresource MediumPlatedArmor X, where X is the quantity
- EXO Suit – giveresource HeavyPlatedArmor X, where X is the quantity
- Wraith Suit – giveresource LightPoweredArmor X, where X is the quantity
- Guardian Suit – giveresource MediumPoweredArmor X, where X is the quantity
- WAR Suit – giveresource HeavyPoweredArmor X, where X is the quantity
- Elerium Core – giveresource EleriumCore X, where X is the quantity
- Elerium Dust – giveresource EleriumDust X, where X is the quantity
- Intel – giveresource Intel X, where X is the quantity
- Supplies – giveresource Supplies X, where X is the quantity
- Alien Alloy – giveresource AlienAlloy X, where X is the quantity
Give Resource examples
- Scannerr – additem BattleScanner X, where X is the quantity
- Mind Shield – additem Mind Shield X, where X is the quantity
- Hazmat Vest – additem HazmatVest X, where X is the quantity
- Stasis Vest– additem Stasis Vest X, where X is the quantity
- Reload Upgrade– additem ReloadUpgrade X, where X is the quantity
- Aim Upgrade – additem AimUpgrade X, where X is the quantity
- Clip Size Upgrade – additem ClipSizeUpgrade X:, where X is the quantity
- Critical Upgrade – additem CritUpgrade X, where X is the quantity
- Free Kill Upgrade – additem FreeKillUpgrade X, where X is the quantity
- Free Fire Upgrade – additem FreeFireUpgrade X, where X is the quantity
More item names:
- Firebomb
- FragGrenade
- AlienGrenade
- FlashbangGrenade
- SmokeGrenade
- GasGrenade
- AcidGrenade
- ShredderGun
- Flamethrower
- BlasterLauncher
- PlasmaBlaster
- FlamethrowerMk2 (Hellfire Projector)
- ShredstormCannon
- IncendiaryRounds (Dragon rounds)
- TalonRounds
- TracerRounds
- VenomRounds
- ApRounds
- BluescreenRounds
- NanoFibreVest
- PlatedVest
- StasisVest
- HazmatVest
- Hellweave
Give Facility examples
Give Facility works this way: givefacility [facilityname] [mapindex]. Where map index is a number from 3 to 14, and these are the facility names:
- Workshop
- Laboratory
- PowerRelay
- ShadowChamber
- ProvingGround
- ResistanceComms
- AdvancedWarfareCenter
- UFODefense (Defense Matrix)
- PsiChamber (Psi Labs)
- OfficerTrainingschool (GTS)
Characters Commands – XCOM 2 Cheats & Console Commands
You can create soldiers, change their classes and also improve them:
- Change Soldier Class – MakeSoldierAClass [name] [Classname], where [name] us the soldier´s name and [classname] could be: Rookie, Ranger, Sharpshooter, Grenadier Specialist, PsiOperative
- Give Scientist – GiveScientist X, where X is the quantity
- Give Engineer – GiveEngineer X, where X is the quantity
XCOM 2 Cheats & Console Commands – Config File
We can also change several things from the config file:
- Max number of soldiers per mission: Change MaxSoldiersOnMission in the file DefaultGameData.ini
- Max number of enemies per mission: Change MaxSSpawnCount in the file DefaultMissions.ini
- Enemies Health: Change CharacterBaseStats in the file DefaultGameData_CharacterStats.ini
- Allowed Weapons: Change AllowedWeapons in the file DefaultClassData.ini
- Damage, Radio, Weapons stats: Change the file DefaultGameData_WeaponData.ini
- Soldier´s skills: Change the file DefaultGameData_SoldierSkills.ini
XCOM 2 Console Commands Video
We also give you a video with all the cheats and console commands: