Cyberpunk 2077 – Counter Attack Button (Practice Makes Perfect)

Cyberpunk 2077 Counter an enemy attack 2 times [0/2]

If you perform a block just before an enemy attack hits you, you will perform a counter attack on the enemy.

Cyberpunk 2077 Counter Attack Button
Counter an enemy attack 2 times

Cyberpunk 2077 How to Counter Attack Video Guide

Cyberpunk 2077 How to Counter Attack

Defeat the enemy

Use the melee skills that you’ve now learned to defeat this enemy.

Take the katana

The game spawns a katana for you in the middle of the area, pick it up.

Defeat the enemy

Controls with held melee weapons are the same as when using your fists. Use this knowledge to defeat the enemy.

Step into the training area to continue

You are now given some firearms back, and when you step onto the middle of the area three enemies will be spawned.

Defeat all enemies

There will be three enemies spawned from the side of the room, a heavy enemy with a gun in front, a light enemy with a gun to the left, then a melee enemy from the right. Defeat all three to continue.

Step onto the platform

When all three area defeated, step on the platform to return to the main room.

If you are getting low fps check this article: Cyberpunk 2077 Best Graphic Settings FOR FPS

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