Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning – Persuasion Achievement

Persuasion Achievement / Skill Trainers Progress Tracker Spreadsheet

Before I continue: this document contains SPOILERS! So, continue at your own discretion. I wouldn’t recommend to use this spreadsheet to anyone that never played the game before! Just play it normally, and for your second play-through, if you’re still interested in 100%-ing the game and you weren’t lucky enough on your first one to get all the checks done, then use it.


The way to use it is to Make a Copy for yourself and start editing it in that copy.


You’ll see four sheets in there, from left to right: Persuasion Attempts by Quest, Persuasion Checklist, Trainers Checklist, and Backpack Checklist.

1st. Sheet: Persuasion Attempts by Quest

This is the first sheet and is just a static reference that lists all the quests that give persuasion attempts in them, with a small description of the circumstance in which the persuasion options shows, if it’s applicable.

2nd. Sheet: Persuasion Checklist

This is the second sheet and it’s the actual tracker.

You can mark with ‘1’ when you passed a check, or put an ‘x’ when you missed it or decided to forgo it.

That shades the row indicating the persuasion is already used and increments the progress towards the “A wink and a Smile” achievement that requires 50 successful attempts to trigger.

3rd. Sheet: Trainers Checklist and Skill Book tracker

This is the third sheet and it’s just that: a trainer tracker plus also the book skill tracker.

Again, in here you can mark each row when you use the trainer by putting ‘x’ in the ‘Used?’ column, or, in the case of trainers, if you got to it and couldn’t or didn’t want to use it, then you can mark it to highlight that row so you don’t forget about it.

Same applies to books, if you got it and decided not to use it on the spot, again, you can highlight the row and that should help you remember that the book is still pending to be used.

4th. Sheet: Backpack Checklist

Last sheet and it’s just the list of available Backpacks in the game, so you remember to pick them up when you reach the NPC, and then you can mark the rows as ‘done’ when you do so.

Sheet’s Images as Reference

I’ve put images of the actual spreadsheets here as reference, so you know what you’ll get, and then can decide if this will gonna be useful to you or not.

Persuasion Attempts Tracker Checklist

Skill Book Tracker Checklist

Kingdoms of Amalur Re Reckoning Persuasion Achievement 2
Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning – Persuasion Achievement

Skill Trainers Tracker Checklist

Kingdoms of Amalur Re Reckoning Persuasion Achievement 3
Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning – Persuasion Achievement