Factorio – 1.0 Features, Graphics and Modding
- Spidertron
- New blueprint library
- Copy paste functionality
- Upgrade planners
- Blueprint building in map mode
- Lots of new visuals and sounds
They added a new turret/wagon called artillery that is a very long range weapon that targets and destroys spawners and worms (but does nothing to normal enemies).
The belts now function with a proper throughput of 15, 30 and 45 instead of the weird number they used before.
Quite a few of mid and late game recipes and technologies changed (this include oil refining, the first recipe only produces petroleum gas and only the advanced recipe produces all 3 types).
The hotbar at the bottom is no longer an extention of the inventory so things changed a bit on how to use it.
The UI changed, quality of life functions were added, a lot of items and entities got a new look and/or sound, the overall performances were increased as well.
So a lot of polishing but not really much in terms of new content.
Version 1.0.0
- Added Spidertron and Spidertron remote.
- Added Freeplay crash site.
- Added polluted water visual effect.
- Added biter base decoratives.
- New visual effects for the atomic bomb.
- Significantly reduced the volume of robots deconstructing and entity destroyed alert.
- Reverted mining drill sound to the 0.17 version with high pitched part removed.
- Reverted inserter, furnace and assembling machine sounds to the 0.17 version.
- Changed the checkbox click sound (based on dropdown open sound).
- Changed the “green button sound” to have a normal button sound.
- Added EnemySpawnerPrototype and TurretPrototype properties: spawn_decoration and spawn_decoration_on_expansion.
- EntityPrototype water_reflection can now be defined inside graphics_set.
- Added ExplosionPrototype properties: Explosion prototype: scale_animation_speed, fade_in_duration, fade_out_duration, scale_in_duration, scale_out_duration, scale_end, scale_increment_per_tick, scale_initial, scale_initial_deviation, scale, and scale_deviation.
- ParticleSourcePrototype particle is now optional, added smoke property.
- Added ProjectilePrototype properties: speed_modifier and turning_speed_increases_exponentially_with_projectile_speed.
- Added LightDefinitionItem::source_orientation_offset.
- Added DecorativePrototype::decal_overdraw_priority.
- Added AreaTriggerItem::show_in_tooltip.
- Added ‘set-tile’ and ‘camera-effect’ trigger effects.
- Added CreateDecorativesTriggerEffectItem properties: apply_projection and spread_evenly.
- Added CreateExplosionTriggerEffectItem properties: max_movement_distance, inherit_movement_distance_from_projectile and cycle_while_moving.
- Added DamageTriggerEffectItem properties: vaporize, lower_distance_threshold, upper_distance_threshold, lower_damage_modifier and upper_damage_modifier.
- Added PlaySoundTriggerEffectItem properties: min_distance, max_distance, volume_modifier, audible_distance_modifier and play_on_target_position.
- Added ProjectileAttackParameters::projectile_orientation_offset.
- Added build_blueprint_small, build_blueprint_medium and build_blueprint_large to utility sounds.
- Renamed build_big utility sound to build_large.
- Added LuaEntity::autopilot_destination, vehicle_automatic_targeting_parameters and time_to_next_effect read/write.
- Added LuaItemStack::connected_entity read/write.
- Added LuaEntity::is_entity_with_force, is_entity_with_owner and is_entity_with_health read.
- Added LuaEntity::spawn_decorations().
- Added on_cutscene_cancelled, on_player_configured_spider_remote and on_player_used_spider_remote events.
- Added optional spawn_decorations parameter to LuaGameScript::create_entity.