3000th Duel – Map %100

Map %100

Change Log (v0.2)


  • Any chest icons on the map show that they contain only consumables and crafting mats. Check the v0.1 map below if you want to know exactly what is in them.
  • Weapons (light blue), Accessories (yellow), Key Items (green), Contracts (blue), Core Abilities (magenta) now colour-coded. Any chest that contained one of these items has been removed to reduce visual clutter.

v0.2 – 100% Map (No Consumables/Crafting Mats)

3000th duel map 1


v0.1 Super Messy First Release:

Everything is on there. Literally everything. It is an utter mess.

Working on ways to streamline the information. I don’t think people need to know every single consumable that comes out of a chest, just the important ones like weapons and accessories.

The Map (v0.1 – CLUTTERED)

3000th duel map 2

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