Classic Marathon – Colony Ship for Sale Puzzle Solution

In this guide, I have explained in detail how to solve the Colony Ship for Sale puzzle that everyone in the game has difficulty with.

How to solve Colony Ship for Sale Puzzle

Do know that you should have a stopwatch on hand, in order to properly time the switches.

Tip: For the first three pillars take the number of the pillar and keep the switch on for that many seconds. For the last three pillars do (in ascending order) 15 seconds, 14 seconds, 13 seconds, and shoot the eastern wall switch to raise pillar 4 when standing on it.

Pillar One

Located on the lowest control center, throw on the switch and let the pillar ascend for just one second before hitting the switch again.

Pillar Two

Located on the lowest control center, throw on the switch and let the pillar ascend for two seconds before hitting the switch again.

Pillar Three

The first control center you will presumably come across, and located in the center height and width wise. Throw the switch for pillar 3 for (you guessed it) three seconds.

Pillar Four

When you have all the pillars in place, ascend the steps till you stand on pillar four. Look to the eastern wall and you will see a button on the wall, which you must hit with a charged fusion shot or a grenade. When the pillar goes up enough, continue your stairway climb.

Pillar Five

While still in the central control room, throw the switch on for pillar five, allowing the pillar to move for 15 seconds before switching it off. The pillar should ascend completely and then begin descending in this time frame.

Pillar Six

In the highest control room, throw the switch on and imitate the procedure for pillar five, but this time wait for 14 seconds instead of 15.

Pillar Seven

Still in the upper control center, repeat the procedure for pillar 7 but this time wait 13 seconds instead of 14.

Finishing the Fight

After ascending the stair case, clear out the bugs and then stand on the grated stairwell looking thing. Fire grenades at both switches on the wall that has the opening you entered the room from, and the stairs will move up, and you should move to the doorway above. When you reach the elevator to the terminal, if you wait too long itll go through its raising and lowering sequence already and remain on the floor. If it hasnt moved after 30 seconds, hit the switches from the grated room again.

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