Splatoon 3 Side Order: How to get Lockers and Keys

If you’re wondering what’s inside the lockers in Splatoon 3’s Side Order DLC, we’ve explained the details inside the lockers and how to get them in this guide.

All Locker Rewards and Keys

In Splatoon 3 Side Order, lockers hold a plethora of valuable rewards awaiting savvy inklings. From vibrant Palettes to coveted Prlz, these lockers are a treasure trove for players willing to explore. However, to unlock these tantalizing containers, one must obtain the elusive keys scattered throughout the game. This guide is your roadmap to navigating the intricacies of acquiring lockers and keys in Splatoon 3: Side Order.

  1. Marina’s Dev Diary
  • Read to earn Marina’s Dev Diary 01 locker sticker.
  1. Banner
  2. Agent 4’s Palette
  3. Frye’s Palette
  4. Big Man’s Palette
  5. Marina’s Dev Diary
  • Read to earn Marina’s Dev Diary 02 locker sticker.
  1. Murch’s Palette
  2. 30 Prlz
  3. Shiver’s Palette
  4. Marina’s Dev Diary
  • Read to earn Marina’s Dev Diary 03 locker sticker.
  1. Sheldon’s Palett
  2. 40 Prlz

Note: Lockers containing new Palettes pulsate as players approach them, creating a visual cue that heightens excitement as they unlock them. This feature underscores the significance of acquiring new weapons in Splatoon 3: Side Order, a concept further elaborated in the following section. It serves to maintain players’ enthusiasm as they progress through the game by clearing floors with the Palettes they possess.

How to Obtain Locker Keys

Upon completing the tutorial run, players will receive their first three locker keys. However, to acquire more keys, they must focus on completing standard runs using various weapons. Locker keys are rewarded upon completing Floors 10, 20, and 30 for the first time with a Palette. Consequently, players can earn up to three locker keys per weapon in Splatoon 3: Side Order. As they use these keys to unlock more lockers, they will receive additional Palettes to bring into the Spire of Order.

It’s worth noting that while earning locker keys may initially pose a challenge, players will find it progressively easier with more time invested in the DLC. This is attributed to the ability to make permanent upgrades between runs, which enhance the feasibility of reaching and clearing Floors 10, 20, and 30. For clarity, these permanent upgrades are purchased with Prlz, a currency awarded at the end of every run in Splatoon 3: Side Order.

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