Deep Rock Galactic Survivor: Achievements Guide

To progress in the game, you must determine the correct strategies and earn achievements. In this guide we explained all the achievements and how to get them.

Character Discovery

Achievements related to the opening of classes.

[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorRun for the hillsUnlock the ScoutOpen from the beginning
[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorLock and loadUnlock the GunnerUnlocks when player reaches level 3
[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorEnjoy a relaxing strollUnlock the EngineerUnlocks when player reaches level 5
[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorDig down deepUnlock the DrillerUnlocks when player reaches level 7
Deep Rock Galactic Survivor Achievements


In this section, all achievements are accumulated!
ALL your dives count

[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorGet that Midas touchCollect 250 Gold
[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorGotta stay NitratedCollect 250 Nitra
Deep Rock Galactic Survivor Achievements
[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorTerribly goldenCollect 2000 Gold
[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorBig spenderSpend 20000 Gold
Achievements List

Spend the accumulated gold/nitra at the end of the mission to increase your stats.

Kill & Damage

These achievements must be completed in ONE dive

[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorRelish the painDeal over 1337 damage in one attack
Achievements List

Performed on the Scout class with the M1000 weapon. Level up your weapons and take damage skills as a priority. Including everything that gives kinetic damage.

[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorNo pain, no gainTake 2000 damage during a dive
Achievements List
  • Easily performed as a Gunner on a dive in the Magma Caves.

These achievements are accumulated.

[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorPillar of SocietyKill 15000 aliens while standing still
Achievements List

Complete while completing other achievements.

[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorA freeze is comingDeal 250000 Cryo damage
Achievements List

Achievement related to elemental damage. Upgrade a grenade that deals FREEZE damage as a Scout. Grenades are a very powerful thing, exceeding the damage by several million, even with a small buildup (up to lvl 5).

[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorHot, hot, hot! Deal 250000 Fire damage
Achievements List

Achievement related to elemental damage. Upgrade a grenade that deals FIRE damage as the Gunner. Grenades are a very powerful thing, exceeding the damage by several million, even with a small buildup (up to lvl 5).


[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorSlick, like butterDodge 100 times during a run
Achievements List
  • Easy to complete for the Scout class with the Zhukov weapon. When leveling up on a sortie, take “Dodge”.

Achievements related to increasing characteristics when gaining a level/after a mission for minerals. I recommend always going for the highest quality option. Except in cases where there is little left to achievement. Don’t forget that you can spin for 15 gold when you level up and for 5 gold at the end of the mission.

[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorSquint and squeeze the triggerReach 75% crit chance
Achievements List

When leveling up/At the end of the mission, take the OVERALL increase in crit chance.

[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorDelicious BLTReach 300 Max HP
Achievements List

When leveling up/At the end of a mission, choose to upgrade your points. Will greatly facilitate the skill of LEGENDARY rarity, which gives +70 Health Points. And a skill from supply pod (which arrives in the middle-time of each mission). Add max HP skill when digging up red sugar.

[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorIt’s got electrolytesReach 50% move speed
Achievements List

When leveling up/At the end of the mission, take upgrades to increase movement speed.

[Achievements] Deep Rock Galactic: SurvivorSwift guns for swift handsReach 75% reload speed
Achievements List

When leveling up/At the end of a mission, take upgrades to reduce OVERALL reload time.

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