In this guide, we have explained the maze solutions and tips you will need in this puzzle game consisting of twenty small mazes.
The Levels
Tips for all mazes:
Foldable Maze
Just like it says at the bottom, press space to fold and unfold the maze. Move from one side to the other, folding to jump across a gap, making your way down. It just takes some trial and error to get to the exit.
Cloudy Day
What happens when you go into the clouds? The maze wraps around, going up through a cloud moves you down. Knowing that, explore and find a way to the exit, it should be easy.
Combination Vault
There are four digits to find. Above each digit, there’s a mark that indicates which quadrant of the maze it can be found in. Move through the maze, do you notice something happening in certain places? Figure out which squares turn dark, put them together to read a digit. The lower right digit is a 1.
Under Construction
No way out? Try moving through a wall. Mostly a regular maze, just try to find a way to the exit that only requires 4 squares to be demolished.
You Are The Maze
Mostly a regular maze, just move the maze, there usually is only one way to move that doesn’t get you stuck.
Did you know that’s the name of another nice game from the same developer? You should go play it, it’s free.
Just try to find your way through the maze, switching colors to get onto new paths.
The Exit Is Like Right There
You always move two spaces, even jumping over gaps. Don’t get discouraged if you end up in a dead end, just jump across a gap.
Try to get to a point where you jump upwards over the exit. Then try to jump onto the top-left arrow.
Gravity Points Down
Mostly a maze, just find your way to the exit. Before making a move, try to see what would happen, plan ahead. In the later part of the maze, where you have to flipflop a lot, make sure you’re only moving ahead.
Warning: the current version has a bug where after you turn the maze, you don’t fall down. That’s a bug, first thing you must do is fall down.
No Escape
Find a path to the other dot. Read the letter along the path, in the order they appear along the path. Read the letter not on the path, in normal reading order, left to right, top to bottom. ”Press escape”.
Buried Treasure
There are two halves of a treasure map to find.
Hungry Snake
This is a tough one. You must plan ahead the order in which to collect the dots, making sure you don’t grow too big to fit in the smaller rooms. Prioritize the smallest rooms first.
Middle Left, top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right, exit.
My 6 Year Old Drew This Maze
This is a precision maze, go get the shield and sword, then the magic potion, then exit, trying not to touch the walls. Luckily, once you get an item, it stays in your inventory even if you touch a wall and go back to the start.
Putting The Pieces Together
You must assemble the jigsaw so that you have a path to the exit. You can rotate the pieces with the space key, they are usually not in the right orientation! Start with the left side piece, making sure there is a path both from you, and from the exit.
Enter Password / Password Reminder
The password can be found by solving Password Reminder. This is a Sokoban/Maze level, push boxes out of the way, don’t get blocked. There is no exit here, but you must move the stars off the middle row to uncover the 5 letters of the password.
After you enter the password, just move to the exit.
I have to include a sliding puzzle
Try to work your way backwards from the exit, which piece allows you to enter it? At some point you have to go back the way you entered into a different piece.
untitled DRAFT
Don’t be fooled by the appearance, this is a proper puzzle. Move up until you’re on the same row as the exit. Move the arrow pointing down to the top left arrow pointing left, push it down to your row.
Big Locked Chest
There’s also a Big Key, find it and drag it over the chest. This is just part of the Scavenger Hunt level.
Scavenger Hunt
You must find a clock, book, bone, painting, coin. They are scattered throughout the screen, one is behind the arrows, one is behind the hills, one is in the locked chest.
Just keep exploring it until you get to the exit.
See Inside Hills
Move it over the green hill that’s part of the background. There’s a maze hidden in it, easy to solve.
A Ghost Maze?
This one is easy to miss, look for an edge and pull it quickly. The real maze is trying to hide behind it, but it’s just a regular easy maze.
Combination Vault
There are four digits to find. Above each digit, there’s a mark that indicates which quadrant of the maze it can be found in. Move through the maze, do you notice something happening in certain places? Figure out which squares turn dark, put them together to read a digit. The lower right digit is a 1.

Sliding Puzzle Solutions
How will you solve the sliding puzzle?
Just use MSpaint. Put maze image in MS-paint and draw a path from exit to fitting pieces. Do the same for the ball side and they will meet somewhere. After that its just about getting into one piece and following the path easy.
- Exit path red color.
- Ball side blue path

Thank you, i was failing at the untitled draft a lot until i read your solution to it haha
The Exit Is Like Right There solution is not helping, u can’t reach the top left arrow no matter how much u try